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Amanda's pov

Yesterday was a disaster. Yes that's what I have been telling myself.

After the kiss , my mind was all over the place . I couldn't understand why it even happened and also why Asher was so calm about it. It felt like he always wanted it to happen. Wouldn't it ruin our friendship? What would others think about it?

Thinking of others, I remember how I left my friends at the parking lot. I know it was ridiculous. I know I was supposed to explain them whatever was going on with me. I know that I should have told them everything. They would have understood .

I don't know why I didn't say a word , or maybe I know . I know why I didn't say shit , its because I am tired of explaining to everyone how much it affects me to see Lia have Nick and to get to the kissing part I would have to tell them this..not to mention I can't really discuss this with Lia.

I wonder if I ever told her about my feelings how would she react to it? As much as I know her she would be supportive if it was any other boy but with Nicholas , she's unpredictable.
One minute she's just casual friends with him and the next she's fixing his hair , scolding him for being late , arguing like a married couple and what not.

Sometimes I feel happy for my friends but most of the time I just let envy and jealousy get the best of me. Rachel and Asher are the only two who know about my liking towards Nick .

I also ditched Lia and Rachel for Rosie's yesterday. I saw the text in school itself. I was just not up for it but now I think they would definitely make a big deal out of it. Why can't I have some space for god's sake?

Drowned my thoughts I got downstairs for breakfast. I dreaded going to school today but I had to because it was my only escape from everything going on at home.

As I get downstairs I see my father in his usual place with a cup of tea and a weather report being telecasted on the TV in front of him. I don't greet him. I don't have to. I never have since I can remember.

I see my mom and flash her a little smile . She looks tired ..she always is . Cancer is eating her alive . Thinking about her illness makes me feel really sad.

We're not rich but not that poor either. My dad doesn't pay for my mom's treatment. It's my grandfather aka my mom's dad helping her go for treatment. My mom is strong woman. She's getting better everyday. The doctor says she'll be fine in a few months and she's recovering very well

" Morning sweetie" mom says

" Morning mama! Why are you standing here? Go sit I'll bring you a cup of tea." I say making her go away

My whole family is big on tea .

I hand over the tea to my mom and grab a smoothie for myself with some fruits .
I don't have much breakfast at my house as Lia's mom always makes me eat.

" I am leaving! " I say and walk out the door not waiting for anyone's reply

I hear my dad yelling some words along ' doesn't she know manners? I am her can she just ignore me'

I ask myself the same question buddy ... I am your daughter how can you just ignore me for all those years.

I reply in my head and get into my car driving off to Lia's.

At Amelia's house

As I stop my car I see Lia getting out of the house with a small box of probably my breakfast in her hand. I don't miss the look of surprise on her face as she notices my car in her driveway.

" Hey! Are you okay ? " She asks settling herself in the passenger seat.

" Yeah I am ... why are you asking me that?" I say acting as if nothing happened. I know I shouldn't avoid recent incidents but I think its better if I keep my shit to myself and not involve my friends into it .

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