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Amelia's pov

Currently I am heading towards the cafeteria, with Chase on my side texting someone on his phone. We had this class together so it was natural that we'll walk into the cafeteria together.

I can't wait for Amanda to spill the tea , I mean the makeout I saw seemed quite heavy . I can't help but think that the boy was somewhat familiar, I don't know but he seemed like someone I knew closely.

I shake off the feeling in my chest and focus on what I am gonna eat .
" I swear people think that you're committed by looking at how you always bury your head in that device , that too texting. " I say to Chase

" I am getting gossip girl , don't interrupt." He replies

" You know after Amanda I feel you're the gossip queen here" I say

" I personally feel I have more gossip than her." He says

" Hey! I have the most amazing gossip here." I hear a voice say and I see Jake , Patric and Nicholas joining us .

Nicholas puts an arm around my shoulders as we keep walking, he always does this but after what happened today I just feel really different having him around and the worst part is that I can't put my finger on what kind of difference I am feeling.

" What gossip do you have today then Jakey boy?" Chase says and I get myself out of my head

" I.... I , well God it's the first day. What possible gossip I could get now idiot . " Jake says frustrated.

" That's what I thought . " Chase says and we enter the cafeteria.

" Is this gossip thing a competition now guys! " Nicholas says laughing and I feel him vibrating because of the close space we're sharing right now.

" Rick, grab me and Amelia something to eat . " Nick says

I feel bad because he treats his friends like they're below him and whenever I call him out on that he says they don't mind so I should stop overthinking. Maybe he's right.

" I can get my food Nick. " I say and attempt to get up

Key word - ATTEMPT

" he'll bring it Amy"  " no problem Lia" Nick and Patric say at the same time .

I shrug and let this go

" Okay so guys I have this big gossip and that too on the first day of school. " Chase says getting our attention.

" You don't have to rub that in my face " Jake says frowning

" Oh please! I definitely have to." -Chase

" I bet I'll have better gossip in a week's time" -Jake

"Live in the present boy! We are not discussing the future here " -Chase

" You're afraid that I am better than you" _ Jake

" Am not " -Chase

" You are " Jake says

" Shut up....we all know I am the best " - Chase

" Ohh lets get a vote then" - Jake

Now both of them are taking this a bit too seriously...the glaring is increasing by the  second now.

" What's this glaring for ? " I hear Rachel say as she pulls a chair next to mine at our table

" They're being childish over who has the best gossip." I tell her

" I think Manda should be a part of this contest" she says

" Shut up " Jake and Chase say simultaneously

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