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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ but i can see us
lost in the memory


FRESHMAN WELCOMING parties were not the way I pictured my weekend to play out, the many different events, places, people, all of it was beginning to blur.

In fact, if it weren't for my roommate, Ellie, I wouldn't have been here. It would've been something I would happily sit out on;unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky.

Ellie had disappeared around five minutes ago, being lured into the hockey boy aura of the new freshman players. Their bragging rights about being on a D1 team had clearly won her over.

I glanced down at my phone, seeing that Carson;my boyfriend had left me on read. The entire long distance relationship was dragging on in the worst way possible and I had only just gotten here. For him, still a senior in high school and very much insecure, finding out I was at a party, even worse, at a frat house, he was the opposite of happy.

"Uh, hey." A voice grasped my attention as they cleared their voice, sliding my phone into my back pocket, I lifted my eyes.

The forest green eyes were piercing into my dark ones, his hair floppy and curly but in a way, tame. He stood tall, no doubt towering above me and his stance had been awkward, nervous even. He was incredibly good looking and the thought had me shaking as I shoved it out. Carson. Carson. Carson.

"Hi?" I said in a questioning tone, glancing around as we had been in a remotely empty area of the house. An area that I had picked in hopes to be left alone, my plan was failing.

"Luke." He nodded, putting a name to the face. "Luke Hughes."

Hughes. The name was oddly familiar as I stared harder at his face, my eyes drifting down to the UMich sweater he adorned, seeing the six letter word that confirmed my suspicions;hockey.

"Lorelei." I shot him a closed-lip smile with a short nod. "Lorelei Sanders."

"That's a really pretty name." Luke flashed me a grin, his hands in his front pockets. "You're really pretty."

I could feel the heat spread up my back at his words and I didn't know why that had me in such a chokehold. I blinked, shaking my head. "Thanks but I have a boyfriend."

"Oh." Was all he said, his face softening. "Well, I, um, I just wanted to introduce myself, I guess. If you guys ever break up..."

"You're fucking disgusting." I said harshly, I hadn't even realized my word choice until it was too late to take it back.

His friends widened their eyes, holding back their laughs as they stared at his backside, waiting for him to one up.

"Ha." He laughed, staring at me with annoyance. "Fuck you. I was just trying to be nice. No need to be a bitch."

I could feel my chest rise, my turn to get angry. "Did you seriously just call me a bitch? You're a dirtbag."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, babe." Luke darted his tongue out, his lips in a sly smirk and I had the sudden urge to slap it off his face.

I chuckled in disbelief of the boy in front of me. "Go make a pass on someone else."

"Let me guess, high school boyfriend?" He cocked a brow at me, sulking as he took in every inch of my body, especially my cleavage. "Definitely not a college one."

I tucked my hair behind my ears, shaking my head. "That matters because..." I raised my brows. "I don't know if you heard already, but I rejected you. I'm so sorry that you can't get your dick wet."

Luke ticked his jaw with annoyance, his friends acting like middle school boys as they made noises, only worsening the situation for him.

"Bitch." Luke muttered before walking back to his friends, shaking his head as they slapped him on his back.

His eyes found me once more, brows pulled together as his face was a slight red. If I could read it, I'd say embarrassment. I wanted to apologize but I didn't, I just let him eye me the entire night as if he'd change my opinion.

"Lei!" I knew it was Ellie by the cheery voice, her arms slinging around my shoulders to pull me into her. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

"I'm sure you have." I hummed, taking in her fluffed hair and glossed over eyes knowing she had spent the last hour locked in a bedroom with none other than Dylan Duke.

Ellie pushed her bottom lip out slightly, wiggling her brows. "Why is Luke Hughes eye fucking you right now?"

I glanced over towards him, finding him in the crowd as he was still glaring at me, even with a girl beneath his arm. I shrugged, shaking my head. "I don't even know him."

"He's incredibly hot." Ellie practically drooled. "Like insanely hot. I heard he could be a prick though."

"Heavy on the prick part." I mumbled with an eye roll. "I'm just gonna ignore him."

Ellie mocked me slightly with a nudge to my shoulder. "Whatever you say, Lei. He could be, like, your star-cross lover or some shit."

"Pass." I shook my head quickly. "Very hard pass. I'll stick to my books for that...thank you."

Ellie laughed, her dark hair cascading down her back effortlessly as she bit into her bottom lip.

"Think you can avoid him for the rest of college? That's four years, Lei." Ellie cocked her head to the side, darting his eyes between mine.

I smirked in challenge, nodding with a pursue of my painted lips. "Four years of acting like someone doesn't exist? Jeez, Ellie, make it harder for me."

"Sure." Ellie dragged the vowel out. "I have a feeling this won't be your only run in."

I lifted my hand to hush her, shaking my head as I couldn't bear to continue this conversation. I didn't want to think about Luke.

I didn't want to think about how tall he was or the geeky charm of his voice or that the girl he had latched onto the past hour was a hundred percent below his standards. No, totally not jealousy.


MR. PERFECTLY FINE ; LUKE HUGHES Where stories live. Discover now