Girl Talk

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Ashlyn laid on the couch, staring at her phone screen. No new notifications. That was odd—usually the group was blowing up her phone by now. She sighed. Why was she even waiting for them. They weren't friends they were just....a distraction?

Either way, it was a little annoying that no one had texted in the chat. A small part of Ashlyn whispered in her head. Did they finally get sick of texting a stranger? What did she expect honestly. Whatever. It wasn't like it mattered to her. Right.

"What's got you down trooper?" Mike asked, ruffling his daughters hair.
"Nothing." Ashlyn mumbled. Her dad didn't really need to worry about it. It was her problem, not his.

Mike raised an eyebrow. "Does it have something to do with your 'not friends?'"

Ashlyn bit back a surprised cough. How was he always right on the money. "....they've just been oddly quiet. It's doesn't really matter though. If anything—I'm glad. Some peace and quiet for once,"

Mike looked at his daughter, not buying it. "Uh huh. Sure."

Ashlyn's phone binged and she shot up. Finally something! Mike laughed. Not friends his ass. It was clear Ashlyn cared a lot about them. Mike left his daughter alone to talk to them.

Tyler's Gender-bent:

Grumpy the dwarf:

Tyler's Gender-bent:
Soooo how have you been?

Grumpy the dwarf:
Fine I guess
Why do you sound so awkward though?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Cause I really just wanna get my mind off of something.
But don't know how.

Grumpy the dwarf:
Look I'm not good with reading people
So lay it on me bluntly.

Tyler's gender-bent:
Yeah um
I'm sorta in a fight with Tyler rn

Grumpy the dwarf:
Don't you two never fight though?
Like aren't you two the 'perfect twins' or whatever?

Tyler's gender-bent:
We're far from perfect

Grumpy the dwarf:
I guess
So uh
What was the fight about?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Well it wasn't really a fight per say..
I just started ignoring him

Grumpy the dwarf:
What did he do?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Yeah um
He called the others shitheads

Grumpy the dwarf:
He calls them names all the time

Tyler's gender-bent:
Yeah but this time we got into a physical fight outside the arcade
I think he got mad at them
And then he dragged me and stormed off

Grumpy the dwarf:
You guys got into a physical fight with each other?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Oh no not each other!
With Barron and his 'gang'

Grumpy the dwarf:
Did you win?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Does that matter???

Grumpy the dwarf:

Tyler's gender-bent:
...I sorta made everybody stop fighting halfway through

Grumpy the dwarf:
That's no fun
Beat the shit out of them

Tyler's gender-bent:
Well I don't want to go to jail for ASSAULT
They don't even give you Dino nuggets in jail :(

Grumpy the dwarf:
You can socialize?

Tyler's gender-bent:
They would wanna socialize with me ✨💅

Grumpy the dwarf:
What the hell was that nail emoji for??

Tyler's gender-bent:
Cause im awesome
But anyways
I have no idea what to do

Grumpy the dwarf:
Yell at the dumbass
Call him out
I don't talk to people
Why are you asking me

Tyler's gender-bent:
You talk to us though!

Grumpy the dwarf:
Aiden accidentally texted me
Then dragged me into a group chat
And had me socialize with you idiots
Who im half convinced aren't real and are just sentient beings living in my phone

Tyler's gender-bent:
But you haven't blocked us yet :D

Grumpy the dwarf:

Tyler's gender-bent:
You love us.

Grumpy the dwarf:
Don't you have a brother to be avoiding?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Don't remind me

Grumpy the dwarf:
You have a brother to be avoiding >:)

Tyler's gender-bent:
Your eViL

Grumpy the dwarf:
I'm aware.

Tyler's gender-bent:

Grumpy the dwarf:
But srsly though
You can't avoid Tyler forever.
Just go yell at him or smth

Tyler's gender-bent:
But that's so meaaaaaaaaaan!
I don't wanna be mean to him

Grumpy the dwarf:
He was being a dick to your friends.
How to you think they felt?
My opinion you should throw him in the garage disposal
But you can be nice or whatever

Tyler's gender-bent:
Your no help

Grumpy the dwarf:
I never said I was

Tyler's gender-bent:

Grumpy the dwarf:
Is that all you wanted to bug me about?

Tyler's gender-bent:
Kinda yeah
Just needed to vent tbh

Grumpy the dwarf:
But still.
Just go talk to your brother or do whatever you gotta do.
Or I will find you
And I'll do it for you

Tyler's gender-bent:
:D than I can finally know who you are!

Grumpy the dwarf:
I'll send Aiden instead!

Tyler's gender-bent:
Going to talk to ty now
No need to send him our address

Grumpy the dwarf:
What I thought

Tyler's gender-bent:
But thanks.
Your really nice
For a complete stranger

Grumpy the dwarf:
I guess.
Have fun talking to that shithead

Tyler's gender-bent:
Your so eViL
But thanks
Guess I'll text you after to let you know how it goes?

Grumpy the dwarf:
Sure whatever
Not like I care

Tyler's gender-bent:
Talk to you then!

Grumpy the dwarf:
See ya

Ashlyn rolled over on the couch, a huge smile on her face. That was...strangely nice. It made her feel happy. Mike chuckled.
"So what we're you saying about them not being your friends?"
Ashlyn chucked a pillow at him.

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