Please Forgive Me

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Ashlyn sat quietly next to her dad, driving back home. A fight had broken out between her and Barron.

She beat his ass, obviously, but she had gotten detention for the week.

Barron on the other hand, got suspended because it was his second offense. That did little to comfort Ashlyn though. She stared at her phone, which was usually blowing up with messages in the group chat by now.

It was absolutely dead quiet.

Ashlyn sighed. She fucked up bad. She knew they would probably feel bad. But this? This wasn't how she wanted them to find out.

How she wanted them to know.

How she wanted Aiden to know.

Ashlyn groaned, putting her face in her hands. God what was wrong with her? Why did she have to react like that? Why did she react like that? It was so unlike her. Mike broke the silence of the car.
"So...uh..I called your mom and told her what happened.." Mike said.
Ashlyn groaned. "Yeah..probably for the best."
Mike tapped the steering wheel a little. "Do you wanna tell me what that was about Trooper? That's...not really like you to beat up someone. At least not unprovoked. Did he do something to you or like your friends?"
Ashlyn sighed. "Um...Do you remember when I lost my phone? It turns out that kid was the one who had it told them. About uh.....y'know.."
"Oh.." Mike said as they stopped at a red light. "Did they...react ok?"
"I don't really know..." Ashlyn mumbled. "I got mad. Really really mad. And just...beat the shit out of him I guess. I don't think their happy with me right now though...they're not texting. Not even Ben which pisses me off more because he already knew and he shouldn't be upset!"
"Ben knew? And he didn't say anything either?" Mike asked.
"No." Ashlyn said. She sighed. "I think Taylor's mad at him for that,"
"As she should. She has the right to be, he lied to her about something important to her," Mike said, driving as the light turned green.
"Does that mean you think that I did something bad?" Ashlyn asked.

"Well..not necessarily." Mike was careful with his words. "It's just that..they have a right to be angry. You lied to them about something important. I mean, think of the roles were reversed. Would you be happy if you found out two of your friends were the same person?"
"I mean..I don't know." Ashlyn mumbled. "It doesn't sound to bad.."
"But it doesn't change the fact that intentionally or not you lied to them about this. That was a choice you made to do, and you continued to lie and pretend to be someone else. That's not the easiest thing to not be upset about.." Mike explained.

Ashlyn sighed, sort of getting what her father was trying to say. She lied and it was bad. And she knew that. But she also didn't see why it mattered so much. I wasn't to bad was it?

Mike ruffled his daughters hair. "You'll figure it out trooper, don't worry. You always do. And if you need me or your mom at all, just ask, ok?"
Ashlyn nodded. She looked at her phone again—

Nothing. didn't hurt to try and ask? Try and explain herself?

Oscar the grouch:
I really really don't know how to word this
But I'm sorry
I really am
I didn't mean to trick you
I want to explain
Just please respond

Ashlyn looked at her phone, sighing. No one answered. Maybe....maybe Aiden would?

(Private messages)

Ms. Kevin:
Can you let me explain?
I'm sorry
I want to explain

I'm sorry.

*Read 3:14pm*

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