Chapter 9

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I woke up to pitch black nothingness. A smell of burning and ashes inhale in my nose. I cough.

"She's awake Master."

Master? Wait where the hell am I?

As I wake up I realize I'm blindfolded. The knotted fabric tied in with my hair.

"Good," the gravelly voice says. "Put her on the table."

I feel my deadweight body being picked up and laid on a flat surface. I can't move a single muscle. I must've been drugged. I feel a needle press into my shoulder. I jitter in displeasure.

"I thought you said she wouldn't move," a breathy voice states.

I can't hear anything but I feel the tension.

I attempt to move again. This time my body listens better. I squirm until two arms slam me back on the table. Knocking the wind out of me.

I feel the needle in my shoulder begin to extract my blood. It stops almost as soon as it starts. The needle is removed from my shoulder.

I lay there on the table for what feels like centuries.

How did I even get here? All I remember was going to sleep last night in my dorm. Like usual.. Actually... I do remember on Saturday I felt that eerie presence. Someone following. Like someone was watching me.

It wasn't in my head.

I hear the door slam shut. Whoever was in here is gone now.

I then feel someone graze my hand. A light touch. I flinch.

"Y/n. Listen to me," I hear a familiar voice. "He's found out who you are. Once you get the chance, run."

"What?" I mumble confused. My voice hoarse. I cough again.

I feel the hand grasp mine.

"You need to escape," the voice repeats.

Who is this?

The hand disappears. I hear the door to the room creak open again. Footsteps approach me.

The hands take off my blindfold. Immediately I'm blinded by the bright light over top of me. It looks similar to a dentist lamp. I struggle against the arms that encase me. I bite their hand. They mutter a cry of pain but their grip tightens on me.

They lift me up and drags me by my collar out the room. I process the visual information around me. This place looks like a briefing room in a police office, combined with a science laboratory, combined with a dentist office. The person pulling me out of the room is a man. He's wearing a lab coat and gloves. His hair looks like it was electrocuted.

I remember what the familiar voice was talking about. I need to take my chance to run. My legs are beginning to work as he drags me out the door. I monkey grip his arm. I plant my legs onto the ground and swiftly lean forward. He loses balance and falls on top of me. Our backs face each other and I look up. I do a plank causing him to roll off my back. I stumble into a desperate sprint down the hallway.

The adrenaline pumps through my veins. 'Get out' is my only thought.

I turn the corner to the hallway. I hear an alarm emitting in the hallways. I turn the corner down the next hall. I hear yelling in the distance behind. The next hall I turn I see a large window. It shows the night. A fire extinguisher next to it. I grab the fire extinguisher and use it to smash the window.

I see that I'm around four floors up the building. I can make it, I think.

I climb out the window and scale the brick wall down. Once I get close enough to the ground I jump. I land in some bushes surrounding the building.

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