Honest Hearts

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Freen's POV

After our event in Vietnam, Becky and I got busy with training and shooting. Even though I knew how to drive, I decided to learn manual driving since I was used to automatic cars.

Having just finished my driving lesson yesterday, it was now Becky's turn.

I arrived at Becky's condo early to surprise her. She didn't know I was coming because she thought I was staying home to rest.

But I'm worried about her driving since she was new to it.

I buzzed her door, waiting for her to let me in. Even though I knew her passcode, I still respected her privacy.

When Becky opened the door, she looked surprised but happy to see me.

"Hey, Babe," I said with a smile and kissed her on the cheek.

She panicked because she was already ready to leave.

"Babe? I have a lesson today, did you forget?" Becky asked.

"Nope, I'm coming with you..to your driving lesson. I want to make sure you're safe," I explained, smiling.

Actually, I just wanted to look out for her... you know, the Great Wall of Sarocha. I chuckled to myself.

"Ohhh... really?" She asked, trying to read what was really on my mind, teasing me a little.

"Yes," I said, trying to control myself now; she's being so cute right now.

"Okay, Babe. You can come with me" she said.

Suddenly, her phone rang..she answered it, and asked me to come in first. I think it's the team who will assist her.

After the call ended, she asked if I brought my car.

"Yes, I brought it so you can ride with me to the location. Are we ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just told them not to pass by," Becky said with a smile.

"They didn't ask how you're getting there?" I asked, surprised.

"No, they clearly understood when I said not to come by," Becky said and we both chuckled.

"When they know, they know," I thought, grinning.

"Okay then, let's go?" I asked again. She nodded and grabbed her bag.


Hand in hand, we walked to my car. As soon as we got in, Becky quickly spotted a blanket on the back seat.

"What's with the blanket?" she asked, her tone playful but curious.

I shrugged casually. "Oh, it's just there in case you get cold," I replied nonchalantly.

Becky raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Hmm, really, Babe?" she teased.

"Yes," I answered back, trying to mask the real reason.

"Are you excited to learn?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"A little," she admitted, a playful glint in her eye.

My heart raced with anxiety, imagining another guy teaching Becky to drive. It's killing me.

"Well, I came with you just wanted to make sure you're comfortable, Babe," I said, my voice betraying my nervousness.

Becky noticed the tension in my voice and reached out to squeeze my hand reassuringly.

"Aw, thank you, don't worry, Babe. You're the only one I want to be with in the car, even when I learn how to drive," she said softly, her words calming my fears.

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