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Freen's POV

"Phi?" Becky's voice carried a hint of concern as she called out to me. With so many people around, she refrained from using our usual term "babe".

"You sure you're up for this? You're still feverish. Let me know if you can't," she said, checking my forehead, then my neck and arms.

She seemed really worried.
I looked around, we are in the dressing room, sitting on the couch.. waiting for the event to kick off. The door is slightly open and we can see all the busy staff walking back and forth, preparing.

"I've got this, Nong... And I don't want to let our fans down. Some have even traveled just to watch us live..and the event was all set" I assured her with a smile. I admit I still have a fever but I really have to do this for some personal reason.

"They will understand, Phi," she replied, her tone uneasy.

"Nong, relax. I'm fine. Try not to show them you're worried onstage okay? It will stress them out too," I reminded her.

"Alright, if you feel you can't continue, just say it, okay?" She said, trying to smile, holding my hand, but still seems bothered.

I didn't want to miss this.
Honestly, I wasn't feeling great, but having Becky with me, I felt confident about getting through this event.

I stared at her, she sensed it and smiled at me warmly.

She looked stunning and radiant today. Her smile boosted me. I smiled back, though she couldn't see it because my face masked to protect her from my cold and fever.

"Freen and Becky, let's get started... individually, okay?" A staff member informed us.

We'd been briefed earlier, so we knew the flow of the event already.

The event kicked off. I took off my face mask for my solo part.

After our individual sections, I put my face mask back on for Becky's sake.

During the interview segment, while we were discussing and making a graph about what we feel during the past 7 years, I grew anxious about her responses.

My own problems and traumas were one thing, but what about her? Was it because of me? Was she feeling down and sad also because of the issues?

She explained it but overthinking consumed me.

Until Pwoody asked what we wanted to say to each other.

Becky said we should spend more time together, that we weren't going out like we used to. She wanted that again.

I saw her eyes briefly show pain and longing. But she hid it quickly.

Actually, before we made up these past few months, we had drifted apart off-camera. We didn't hang out like before.

I'm just thankful now that we're going back the way we used to be.

"Babe," I thought, almost teary-eyed looking at her. I thought I was the only one missing our old hangouts.

It was long overdue. I wished we'd talked about it sooner. I wished we hadn't wasted that time.

When it was my turn, I replied to her by saying that our busy schedules and fatigue had kept me from asking her out. Because I don't know if she wants to hangout or rest at home. I also said I wanted to hang out with her like before.

She smiled at me when I said that.

I'd always wanted to be with her, but those past issues made me hesitate and scared to ask her out.

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