Chapter 13

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Declan's POV

"You told her what!" I growled at Tommy who was nervously spilling his guts about the little chat he had with Whitney.

"I got wrapped up in the moment! She helped me. I was just trying to help." He put his hands up trying to back out the door of my bedroom while I got ready for our dinner date.

"You know I don't get attached, why give her false hope?" I whisper yelled at him. The look he gave me to that question said it all.

"Decs it isn't false hope and we both know that. You feel something for this girl. You want to protect her to not only save her from that American bastard but herself as well. I can see it when you look at her, we all can." This asshole was seeing right through me. I tried so hard to keep up the charade that I'd never fall for anyone and that I was incapable of love.

"Oh get fucked." I yelled at him, my thoughts spinning in my head.

"I was on my way until I stopped to talk to you." He grinned at me. I was happy for him. It seemed like the weight of fighting who he was, was lifted off of him.

"Tommy boy I'm happy for you I really am but I just don't know if this thing with Whitney is going to pan out." I ran my hands through my hair taking a seat to pull my shoes on and avoiding his judgmental stair.

"It won't work out if you don't put the effort into it." With that he left me there with nothing but my own fucking up mind.

My parents showed us all what love was actual love. The entire time my father was in my position my mother stood unwavering at his side. When he got sick he told her to leave but she would never. I've never even seen them fight. When my brother passed something that ended most relationships, especially because it was due to my fathers involvement in the mafia, my mother didn't budge. They loved each other unequivocally though it all. But after  the pain and suffering of losing Jamey I'm not sure I could stomach getting that close to someone. I even kept Bridget at a distance just in case. To love someone is to give them the power to absolutely destroy you.

Looking at the time I knew if I didn't get a move on we were going to be late to our reservation. I booked a table at one of the most exclusive restaurants on the east coast. The owner just so happens to owe me a small favor so he was able to get us a waterside reservation.

Walking downstairs I heard Whitney and Bridget chatting away. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth listening to them talk about medical things I wasn't even sure was English. When Whitney was doing or talking about her job it was like nothing else in the world mattered. Her passion to help people was the bright light shining through all the pain she had endured.

As I rounded the corner I felt my breathing hitch in my throat. The navy blue satin dress that hugged all the right places was like a second skin on her. Stopping mid thigh showing off her smooth milky legs. It was off the shoulder showing off her collarbones and had a small plunge just enough to peak your interest but not enough to show everything. Her hair was pulled up and back in a messy updo, she was stunning.

"Bridget, can I have my date please." Bridget was grinning ear to ear watching me watch Whitney.

"Have fun kids, don't stay out too late. Be safe, use protection." Bridget wiggled her eyebrows causing Whitney to turn bright red.

"Ready." I held my arm out and she looped her hand though as I brought her out to the car waiting for us.

The drive was uneventful. We chatted about our days. We talked about Tommy finally manning up and going public with Jessie. As we pulled up I watched the reaction on her face. You could read her like a book. Most of the time she would be horrible at poker.  I'll keep that note tucked away mentally if we ever played strip poker.

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