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Whitney's POV

*** 4 Years Later ***

"Dr O'Ryan, why are you here!" Molly scolded as I waddled into the clinic.

"Relax you guys I'm just coming to finish up some paperwork and loose ends. Besides, I have a couple more weeks before the baby is due anyway." I huffed before falling into my chair.

Declan had fought with me all morning to stay home and rest but I couldn't spend another minute cooped up. His constant obsession over my health and my "need" to rest was suffocating me. I loved him and how much he cared for this baby but I couldn't spend another minute not doing anything.

"Did you guys ever figure out the gender at the last ultrasound?" Penny asked me knowing she had been dying to shop for our baby but wanted to know what it was first.

Once everything was on the up and up Declan helped me open up a clinic for the employees and public. A private surgical center if you will and we were able to offer Penny a substantial amount of money to come work for us. Bridget graduated all her training and she and I had been running this clinic for three years now. It was truly a dream to run this place with the people I loved.

"No, this bean was still not showing us. Guess it's already giving us a run for our money." I chuckled, this baby had been in every position imaginable so we couldn't see what the gender was and it was killing me. Declan desperately wants a boy and I just want a healthy happy baby.

"Do you at least have names picked out yet?" Another question I didn't have a real answer for.

"No not yet we just can't find one that we love. We'll just have to wait to lay eyes on them to make our minds up." I told the girls truthfully and they all groaned in disapproval.

"Dr O'Ryan you have someone in room 3 for a surgical consult." Annie popped in, dropping down in her chair to put in the patient information.

Hoisting myself up from the comfort of my chair I let out a grunt. The sound of rushing water and the undeniable wet feeling caught everyone's attention.

"Can someone please call my husband while I go change and finish up with this patient?" I calmly asked and watched as the look of horror crossed their faces.

"You will not be seeing that patient we'll call Bridget in and you need to go." Penny scolded me like she always did. She was truly like the mother I never had.

"It's not that big of a deal. This is our first baby. It's going to be hours, maybe days." Just as I ended my sentence a wave of pain washed over me causing me to hold my breath. 

"Sit down Whitney." Annie pulled my chair up and helped me lower myself down while Penny made the phone calls.

After twenty minutes of painful contractions and gripping the chair for dear life the bell to the door of the clinic chimed.

"Where is she?" Declan's worried tone made me giggle to myself.

"In here babe." I called out and he rounded the corner in a rush to get to me. He knelt beside me, taking my hand in his.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling? I have the car packed." His words were rushed and panicked. I smiled and pulled his lips to mind planting a tender kiss on lips to slow him down.

"Let's go have our baby." I whispered against his lips and a smile came over him.


"Alright Whitney a couple more big pushes." The waves of pain and hours of pushing left me out of breath.

"I can't do this." I panted in pain as another wave of pain passed over me.

"You can baby you can you are so strong." Declan cheered me on immediately, pissing me off.

"I love you so much but if you don't shut your mouth right now I'm going to strangle you!" I snapped at him as the next contractions his.

"Push 1….2…3…4" The doctor counted me down. 

With one last large and painful push a wave of relief crashed over me and the room was filled with the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.

"You did it babe you did it." Declan's eyes were filled with tears as he looked down at me with the baby laying on my chest. This was the best moment of my entire life.


"Where is our baby." Tommys voice was unmistakable as him, Jessie and Bridget came crashing through the door.

"Shhhh if you assholes wake this baby I'll kill you." Declan shot back with the sleeping infant in his arms.

He hadn't put the baby down the entire time. Every noise or fuss he was on immediately. He was already the best daddy I was so lucky.

"Thought we weren't doing that anymore?" Jessie chuckled and earned a glare from Declan.

"You all shut up! Do I have a niece or nephew?" Bridget questioned rushing over to take the baby from her brother who I was sure she would have to fight to get a change at the baby.

I looked up at Declan who gave me a small nod letting me know I could share our great news.

"Everyone, this is Poppy Tamzyn O'Ryan." I smiled up at our beautiful baby girl.

"A girl! Bridged squeezed I noticed Tommy quickly wiped away a small tear and Jessie was grinning from ear to ear.

"Poppy because that's what Henry called Whitney and Tamzyn after dad who I know would have loved to meet her." Declan explained cooing at his baby girl.

"You, my sweet girl, are going to be the most protected girl in the entire world." Bridget smiled knowing this tiny baby had everyone wrapped around her little fingers already.

As I looked around the room at everyone ogling the small baby I felt a wave of emotion pass through me. This was everything I could have ever hoped and dreamed of. I had amazing friends who were now family and a husband who was so wonderful. My life was so whole and so precious at this moment. I know everything she went through to get here was so incredibly insignificant to my new job as her mother. For the rest of my life I'd be making sure I held this so close.

"I love you guys." I thought out loud and everyone's eyes were now on me.

"We love you, Whit." Jessie answered for everyone in the room.

I loved this life so much and this was going to be the best life anyone would ever live. I had one person who I owed it all to. I could feel pops in this room with us and I was not at more peace than I'd ever felt.

It's all over friends 😭 I had so much fun tho and I'm so happy with how it turned out. I really hope you enjoyed it all. This is the end for the O'Ryan gang but maybe be some future updates have decided yet. Thank you all so much for everything and taking the time to support me! See you around!

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