Chapter 14

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Whitney's POV

Declan took off early this morning around five after getting what sounded like an urgent call. He kissed me on the head before I left, careful not to wake me. Little did he know my mind was too busy swirling with the events from the evening. I can truly say I've never been on that wonderful of a date in god knows how long. It's also been a hell of a long time since someone took care of my needs first and let me call the shots.

I tried to go back to sleep after he left but I couldn't. I spent two hours tossing and turning before I decided I'd get up and take a bath. Stepping into the bathroom I filled the tub up with hot water. Stepping out of my clothes something caught my eyes. Dark bruising from my collarbone down to the top of my breasts. I'm going to kill him, I was pretty good with covering up bruising with makeup. But this was deep and dark and would still be slightly visible.

"Whitney!" My door flew open to reveal Bridget dressed to the nines in a full face of makeup this early in the morning.

"I'm naked here Bridget." I tried to cover the best I could, sinking deeper in the water.

"Seen boobs once, seen 'em all!" She chirped happily.

"Okay why are you in my bathroom?" Her happiness was infectious even at the asscrack of dawn.

"Mom booked an appointment for us to go wedding dress shopping!" She squeals Declan mentioned this yesterday but he failed to mention that it was already a plan in motion.

"Don't look so excited Whitney." I could pick up on the slight annoyance in her voice.

"I'm happy Bridget I am happy I'm just tired." The truth is wedding dress shopping hasn't ever excited me. When you didn't have a mother who cared or a sister to go with it was kind of a pipe dream to ever think about. Even now this wedding was still not a sure thing and it wasn't from a place of love it was an arrangement.

My mind wandered to last night and the burning feeling of his hands roaming my body. He took his time and made sure I was comfortable. But did this mean anything changed with us? Or was I just another woman in another bed for him? I couldn't help but wonder if this was just him playing the game to get me to agree to his demands.

"Whitney, are you listening?" Bridget pulled me from my thought spiral.

"Yes totally." I smiled and she rolled her eyes at me knowing I wasn't being truthful.

"Get ready, make sure you wear what you want for undergarments. Oh and cover up the hickeys I don't want to give my mother a heart attack." She gave me a devilish grin making my neck and face heat up.

Getting finished quickly I slipped into some black leggings and my off the shoulder black sweater. I had slipped in a bodysuit shapewear under it all so I didn't have to be so self conscious when trying on dresses.


The ride to the shop was actually fun. Charlotte talked my ear off. I could see where Bridget got her bubbly personality from.

"What were you thinking about the dress dear?" She asked wanting my opinion. She and Bridget had been showing me pictures and magazines the entire ride before we pulled up to the shop.

"I'm not sure I've never really thought about it." I murmured as they pulled me through the rather large shop pointing out every dress they thought would look good.

"Good morning ladies!" A rather tall blond woman in all black greeted us.

"Good morning Clara. This is my daughter Bridget and my soon to be daughter-in-law Whitney. We are looking for a dress for her today!" Charlotte smiled digging through her purse.

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