𝕰𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 4

10 7 1

Jungkook's grip tightened on her hand. “Someone is groaning in pain,” he murmured. “It’s a female voice, I think.”

Yoongi, always the pragmatic one, stepped forward. His eyes bore into Jungkook's. “What’s wrong?”

Jungkook hesitated, then blurted out, “Can we go and check inside? I think someone is there—probably groaning in pain. And it’s definitely a woman.”

Namjoon scoffed, his fingers tracing the rough edges of his gun. “Why do you think it’s safe to check? Let them groan. We’ve seen enough horrors out here.”

But Jungkook's resolve didn’t waver. “What if that person needs real help?” His gaze swept over the group, pleading for understanding. “We can’t just ignore it.”
Jimin, who had been lost in his own thoughts until now, finally looked up. “It’s do—” He paused, his eyes narrowing as he listened. “What happened?”

Jin, always the empathetic one, stepped closer. “Jungkook  is saying someone is inside and needs our help.” he gestured toward the crumbling building nearby. “The groaning—it’s louder this time.”

They exchanged glances, torn between self-preservation and compassion. The world had become a harsh place, where survival often meant shutting out the cries of others. But perhaps, just this once, they could be more than mere survivors. Maybe they could be saviors.

And so, with hearts pounding, they moved toward the source of the groans, their footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. The room loomed ahead, its broken windows like hollow eyes. It wasn’t looking good—decay, darkness, and danger all rolled into one. But sometimes, in the midst of chaos, humanity still clung to hope.

As they pushed open the creaking door, the groans intensified, filling the space. And there, lying on the cold floor, was a woman—a survivor like them. Her eyes met theirs, a silent plea for help. They had a choice: turn away or extend a hand.

In that moment, they chose compassion over fear. They knelt beside her, offering what little comfort they could. The world outside might be overrun by zombies, but within those crumbling walls, humanity still fought to survive.

Ava knelt beside her, the rough floor biting into her knees. The woman’s gaze followed her every move, searching for reassurance "Miss are you ok?"

"I'm Mina" whispered it as if afraid the sound would shatter the fragile sanctuary they’d found. Her voice trembled, a fragile thread connecting her to the world beyond those crumbling walls.

Jungkook, ever the pragmatic one, leaned in closer. His eyes scanned the room, seeking clues. “You were groaning in pain,” he said gently. “Did anything happen here?”

Mina’s lips quivered, and she glanced around as if reliving the horror. “Zombies,” she whispered. “A group of them. I fought, but they overwhelmed me. I managed to crawl here, seeking refuge.” Her eyes, bloodshot and haunted, flickered toward Yoongi, who stood silently by the door. His unreadable expression masked a thousand thoughts.

Jimin knelt on the other side of Mina. “Where should we drop you?” he asked. “Do you have a place to go?”

"We are going back to Seoul. For any rescue source. You can come with us." Jin said. Mina blinked twice. She stopped her tears from falling and tried to stand up. YN was quick to help her.
Mina hesitated, her gaze distant. “There’s a school nearby,” she said. “Me and my girlfriend were staying there. I came to get foods for us then-She’s still there, probably waiting for me.” Her voice cracked

Namjoon, the pragmatic realist, shook his head. “We can’t afford detours,” he said. “Survival is getting harder every day. We need to find a rescue source, not play hero.”
But Jin, the romantic dreamer, locked eyes with Namjoon . “Jagi,” he implored, using the Korean endearment. “Look at her. She’s asking for the person she loves. You know that pain, don’t you? How would you feel without me?”

Namjoon and Yoongi exchanged glances. The world outside was a wasteland, teeming with danger. But within these walls, compassion still flickered—a fragile flame against the encroaching darkness. They nodded, wordlessly agreeing. Mina would come with them, and perhaps, in her love-struck eyes, they’d find a reason to keep fighting.

And so, they helped Mina to her feet, her trembling legs supported by their collective strength. As they stepped back into the unforgiving world, the groans of the undead echoed behind them. But they walked on, Ava, Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Yn—the unlikely family forged in the crucible of survival. Their footsteps left imprints on the cold ground, marking a path toward hope, toward love, and toward the faintest glimmer of humanity in a world gone mad.

The sun had long abandoned its post, leaving the world cloaked in shadows. The car’s headlights flickered and died, plunging the survivors into darkness. Outside, the relentless groans of the undead echoed, a chilling reminder of the peril that awaited them.

Jimin’s knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel. “How will we reach our destination now?” he muttered, frustration etching lines on his face. “No light, zombies lurking—this is a nightmare.”

Namjoon's voice cut through the tension. “Then what? Stay in the car till morning?”
Mina’s gaze darted to the nearby school building. “That school,” she said, her voice trembling, “it’s close. My girlfriend is there. Can you go a little farther?”

Jimin nodded, determination sparking in his eyes. He twisted the key, and the engine sputtered to life once more. The car crawled forward, tires crunching over debris-strewn asphalt. After a few tense minutes, Mina signaled him to stop. They had arrived.
The school loomed before them, its windows like empty eyes. It wasn’t welcoming, but it was shelter—a refuge from the relentless night. Staying in the car or driving without headlights was a risk they couldn’t afford.
They stepped out, their footsteps muffled by fallen leaves. The door to the school was locked, but Mina’s eyes shone with hope. She knocked, her knuckles rapping against the wood like a desperate prayer.

“Bun, are you here?” Mina’s voice wavered.


⠁〘㉅〙 ⠁ Ahhh I know it's a very small chapter today. But I promise will come up with big chapter next day! And don't forget to vote pookies. 😔

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