Chapter 2: Which Side?

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Renee's POV
"You flunked on purpose, didn't you?"

I leveled my gaze with Dani. She knows it's true. I know it too. I should be in college by now but I am keeping Reina company so that we can graduate together. She says it's embarrassing that we are in the same class and that our little sister Laila is in highschool a year too early!

"If I pass they place me in AP classes! I don't want to be in AP classes and look like a geek!"

"Do you know how rare your brilliance is Renee? You should be in college at only fifteen! You are more brilliant than I was at your age! Why are you wasting it?"

"Because I don't want to be weird. I want to fit in with the others."

"So you pretend you are stupid?"

"No Dani, not stupid, average." I crossed my arms on my chest."

She sighed heavily. She glanced at the grade one more time. B+ is not me. To someone like Dani that is failing. She doesn't like to admit it but she's a typical Asian mom. Anything less than A+ is failing.

The General doesn't mind any grade above a C+. As long as we don't give him grief, he's fine.

"Don't insult us. You and I are not average. I don't want to see this grade ever again Renee. Get into those AP classes. Your ass should be in college by now."

"But I like being a teenager in high school!" I stomped my feet.

She waved me off.

End of conversation. Brilliance has its downside.

"You look nice..." I commended Laila. It's the first day of high school "...a little too nice. I hate to break it to you but we wear uniforms to school."

"Oh!" She looked herself over. "That's right. Private schools. I'll go change."

"Hurry up. It's almost time to leave. Have you seen Rei?"

"Still asleep!"

"Wake her!" I called out.

Rei doesn't take anything seriously. Not her education and definitely not her life. She also has zero regard for punctuality. I don't like being late. That is the only thing I have in common with the General. The sound of his steps made me stiffen like a cadette who has seen her drill sergeant.

"Dani-" he paused when he realized I'm not Dani. My aunt Izzy, Dani and I are mirror images of each other. With an age difference of eighteen years, we look like sisters. "Oh! It's you."

Oh! It's you? Can he sound more excited to see me?

"Who were you expecting? Santa?" I murmered.


"Nothing General."

He glanced at his wrist watch. "Where are your sisters?"

"Not on my person." I shrugged.

"What is this about you flunking in class?" He disregarded my remark.

My eyes met his green eyes. "Is there anything that gets past you?"

"No." His attention shifted up at his favorite little girl coming down the stairs."If you don't want to go..."

"I must go!" Laila leaped into his arms.

I'm jealous of Laila. He really loves her and he babies her. Charle also has a special relationship with him. She's like the son he never had. Reina and I have the roles to piss off the General by merely existing.

"Reina! Charle! Double time!" He shouted like a drill sergeant.

I walked ahead, leaving them behind. I'll sit in the car until they come out.

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