Chapter 3: Red Drama

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Lola's POV
"Lola! Why aren't you dressed? You have fifteen minutes before school!" My mom walked by swiftly.

I continued to sit on the steps almost lifeless. I have been here for almost half an hour, trying to figure out if I want to continue at Wilgrove High. I turned my head to look at the framed pictures cascading down the steps. My eyes settled on Terrence. I don't see him much. He moved out as soon as he hit eighteen. Terrence has always been independent of my parents. He especially wanted to get away from daddy. They don't see eye to eye on anything. If he was here I would ask him what to do. I think he is quite fair and reasonable.

The sound of her heels echoed through the foyer as mom came back. "Okay, are you skipping today?"

My mother is a rule breaker. Terrence is like her. He is very devious but never one to be caught. My father is a stiffler for rules. The world class surgeon is the enforcer of rules in this home. He wouldn't let me stay home unless I'm on my deathbed. He makes a big deal about education. Terrence left it at postgraduate, something daddy didn't agree with. My older brother could have gotten into med school but he chose not to. He also refused law school. He chose a boring business and math degree. After four years he was done and he grew deaf to daddy's words.

"Can I?"


Maiara. She's the reason I don't want to go to school.

"I'm sick?"

"Thank goodness we have a doctor in the house! Ferr!"

"Mom no-"


Just like that she gets out of parenting me.

"Your daughter is sick. I'm late for work." She walked out immediately.

She's great at throwing me under the bus. I looked up the stairs at my father. He smiled at me and I smiled back without hesitation. "Playing hooky won't get you into medical school."

"Not even a few hours off? Take me later in the afternoon."

He came down to sit beside me. "How about you tell me why you are intent on skipping? You don't look sick to me." He felt my forehead and took my hand into his

My father and I are really close. It's just like Terr and mom.

"I'm just not up to it today."

"Mija, you can't give up on something just because you are not in the mood. Part of being responsible means doing things even when we don't feel like it." He spoke softly.

This is not the tone he uses with Terrence. He is very firm with him and from what I have come to understand about Terr, is that he is pretty authoritative too. He has his rules and daddy has his rules and they have no middle ground.

"I'm not being irresponsible. I want you to trust me when I tell you that I'm having a bad day and I don't think I'll be productive in school."

"Do you want to tell me about your bad day?"

How do I explain this situation with fascist barbie? There's no explanation that leaves me unscathed. Knowing daddy he will try to get me to make it right. With mom, I can totally get away with it.

"You know what, you're right. I'll go to school." I got up suddenly.

"Little red." He called me and stood up to take my hand. "When did you start keeping secrets from me?"

"I'm not keeping secrets."

"How is Pascal?" I cringed.

Pascal and I have known each other since childhood but we have never been friends. We skipped right into romance when he kissed me under a mistletoe. It was at a Christmas party at his house. I realized later that he made sure to pass under with me so that he could kiss me. That was my first kiss and since then, there have been endless others. Last summer, we opened a new chapter of our relationship when we made love.

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