Charybids And Beast King Karrion

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3rd person pov:

After our protagonist gets out of the bath waiting for the others and terya he remembers something he hadn't tell to the party....

Rimuru : Ah shit I forgot to mention that I am married now with Shizue...

But Suddenly he can see Milim flying away for some reason... to the Puppet Kingdoms Direction

So both women and men came out of the bath and started heading toward Rimuru And shuna explained that she was scared from Shizue...but Suddenly...

Terya Appeared and told them something that only our protagonist was expecting...

???: Forgive for institution... Rimuru Sama ..we need your help !!

Rimuru: Oh ho ho calm down a bit and care to explain.. a bit

Terya : Yes Forgive me about that Rimuru sama .... I am Terya  , Teryni's Sister ....

And about your help ... In the West side of the Forest Charybids has awoken...

Now new Information shocked everyone and fear got to Fuze who is you normal human ...


Rimuru: Calm down Fuze... now Terya care to explain what Teryni is doing and a bit info about Charybids???

Terya : My sisters are currently Trying to slow down its movements and About Charybids...Charybids is The Ruler of sky that even Demon lord Frey even Avoids.. Charybids is Born from Our god strom Dragon Veldora's Big cloud of magicule and it is heading this way to Tempest now...

Now everyone got even more shocked but then Rimuru took action

Rimuru: Ok now Diablo,  Souie Evacuate all Citizens and send request for assistance from Dwargon and Fuze san you ... Just participate in the View there is no need for you to get involved Because we just formed our Alliance and even your King doesn't know about it yet...

Fuze: I appreciate it and am deeply sorry for not able to help ...

Shizue: So now we need to fight Legendary Monster again? And if I am correct Charybids is Disaster class ....

Terya: That is indeed true and about Charybids,  we have more information about it ... Charybids has and Extra skill called Magic jamming that can cover a wide area of 150 meter and can Summon a horde of Magladon for assistance..

Now everyone's hope got low that we can win ....

Rimuru: About the magic jamming problem I can take care of that and I and Shizue will only fight Charybids and others will fight The Magladon's ok ...

Shizue: Bit we can't use magic in the radius !!

Rimuru: Ok now everyone who will hear this will never say about it again... I have an Extra skill called Skill seal .. it can seal any Skill up to Unique class Skill but has many conditions for using it and I was keeping it as a trump card ...

Shizue: "Shocked " if that's the case we can win !! And others can surely take care if Magladon if I am correct??

Diablo: KuFu Fufufufufu.. truly you are indeed a beautiful existence Rimuru sama

Fuze : if that's the case I can see why you need to keep it a secret.. its truly a useful and terrifying Skill as a trump card ...I Promise I will not disclose any Information about this ...

Rimuru: Now let's talk about planning shall we ? We need to talk to Gazel as well

Rimuru POV:

Everything is going as planned and Great sage about the skill I talked can you make it ?

That Time I got Reincarnated As A Dragonoid Slime In Tensura as Rimuru  Where stories live. Discover now