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The first day of meeting Christian Walker had gone by with him walking around in a suit looking like a god.

On the second day, I had not only seen him shirtless but had also seen him in only boxers.

The third day, however, he had walked into the room looking like a clown.

"I am so glad that you broke up with me before we started dating because then I would've had to do that and I would've sounded shallow because of my reason being your impeccable sense of fashion behind this breakup," the words were out of my mouth before I could even think. Christian's eyes narrowed at me as he cursed quietly under his breath.

"My sister chose this,"

"She must hate you very much then," I chuckled, handing him a cup of coffee. "Figured you might need this. Dante told me you liked black."

"And I am certain someone as heartless as you preferred the same," he mused, his eyes on my cup.

"Nah, this is mocha macchiato. Unlike you I have taste," and I started laughing again over his broken sense of fashion.

But I had to admit one thing; even in this senseless outfit, he somehow looked hot as a sin. The colors did nothing to compliment his eyes or his hair, but somehow they just floated against his skin. Well, that was if you ignored the pants.

Our eyes connected for a second just as I stopped laughing. A buzz of electricity passed as he took of his coffee's lid and sipped it while I used the straw for the same.

And then, some son of a bitch cleared his throat across the room. Wait, I knew that son of a bitch, it was none other than my uncle Caeser.

When I was four, I used to hear tales of my uncle catching the bad guys when he used to put me to bed. He used to go into hilarious detail, twisting the stories and using funny gestures to make it more funny and interactive.

That was when I decided that I wanted to be like him when I grew up.

So, when I was six, I begged him to take me to his work during the summer break. On the first day, I was bored to death as he looked through the paperwork for two hours and then had me sit through a meeting.

On the second, the security was compromised and I was locked inside a room while gunshots rang out in the hall.

I watched through a window, watched as blood splattered on the walls and tainted the floors. That day, while I was there, I had realized that I wasn't actually alone in the room.

I was with someone who himself thought that the room was empty.

I had winced when a body had fallen against the window and had given away my presence. The guy had walked up to me, had grabbed me, and had walked outside while holding a knife to my throat.

I was a child, I was a bargaining chip, and I was the niece of one of the highest-ranking officers.

My uncle had frozen and dropped his weapon at the sight of me, and had convinced everyone to do the same as the guy took something from my uncle.

And then, he'd run away, after dropping me to the floor.

My uncle never told me what was in the file he'd given to the guy, not even as I asked him over and over again while crying, but a bomb blast had taken place in Texas a week later, and when that played on the news, Caeser had turned it off and I had asked, "That was in the file, wasn't it,"

He never accepted it, but he never really denied it either.

That day, I realized three things for sure: I really wanted a knife, and a cool leather suit and I really wanted to beat up some bad guys.

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