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I realized that Christian was right outside my room a little too late, so my period-crazy brain just decided to do the smartest thing ever: strip.

I threw my pyjamas away just in time for Christian to enter the room. Why was I seducing him on my period? I don't know.

A beat too late I realized exactly how cold it was and I wrapped my arms around myself under the blanket to stop myself from freezing.

After he carried me to the bathroom and dipped me in the bathtub, almost all of my pain vanished away suddenly, but momentarily. Here's the thing I am sure most of you know about cramps: they don't give up.

So, the bliss ended soon enough and after I was done changing my position in the bathtub five times, I decided to get up.

There was only one problem: I couldn't.

I cursed under my breath before trying again. I had been through worse. I had walked after being shot, having broken unattended ribs, muscle tears, multiple cuts, even after being raped and the last four had happened at the same time. So what were some normal period cramps?

Hell. They were hell.

I would describe it as being skinned alive from the inside. As someone stabbing me with a knife and twisting it over and over again inside me.

I pushed myself to my feet. Forced myself to rise and get far enough to get a robe. After I was done achieving that feat, I went to get my lingerie next.

I could walk around in that many clothes. No, I couldn't.

I grabbed a comfortable pair of pyjamas and a light coat and a comforter and dragged my feet outside my room only to find the house empty.

A sound came from the kitchen and I instinctively reached for my gun. The cook should've left an hour ago. The only problem was that I didn't have my gun.

I opened the showcase in my living room by entering my fingerprint and grabbed the first weapon in my reach: a rifle.

I evened my breathing, ignored the tearing pain at my stomach that even adrenaline couldn't suppress and slowly made my way to the kitchen only to come across the back of a very familiar and a very handsome gentleman.

He was cooking while humming to himself and his blazer was at the side. Every time his hands moved, I could see the muscles flex underneath his thin white shirt and it reminded me of that day at the gym.

I forced that image out of my mind and steered my thoughts to the present situation.

"Christian?" I called out and realized that my voice sounded weaker than I had assumed. He turned around smiled at me, a smile that warmed my heart.

"Sit," he commanded kindly and I couldn't resist it.

I sat down in a chair beside the platform and he helped ease in it.

"How's the pain?" I could only shake my head in response. His eyes softened further and he gestured towards a heating pad that was charging up. "It should be warm enough,"

I couldn't muster any words. He had been selflessly kind to me, and it only got worse when he pointed to a pile of chocolates and pastries and cookies at the side of the platform.

"The pasta should be ready in five minute," he spoke, stirring it. I couldn't help it, I stumbled forward and hugged him. My embrace was weak, but in a matter of a second, he hugged me back if only to keep me from falling down.

Then slowly, he peeled me off himself and had me sit again. A few minutes later, I was having breakfast on the kitchen platform with him.

In addition to being super attractive, Christian Walker was a great chief, and it was as if God was sending me more and more reasons to date that guy.

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