(6)New friends?

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"Yay, she's not dead!" Skipp exclaimed breaking the silence.
Y/N looked at the three hobos in surprise. "What do you want from me? I've already returned your money..." Y/N said confused.
Vinnie threw the stick away. "Yea, I know, and thank you very much for that." She said.
Stone blew out a puff of smoke. "Maybe get to the point?" Stone said.
"Oh, yea yea, right. In general, after consulting together, we decided that since you are also a hobo like us, you can join our gang." Vinnie said with a smile.
"I will be glad to have a new friend!" Skipp said happily with a wide smile.
Stone didn't say anything, he wasn't even asked if he wanted Y/N to join them. He simply took a drag from his cigarette and blew out another puff of smoke.
Y/N looked at all three hobos. "Will they really accept me into their gang? Do I have real friends now?" These thoughts were running through Y/N's head. But out loud she said something else: "Of course, I will be glad to join your company." She even smiled slightly, like how her mother taught her to smile at new friends.
Stone noticed this slight smile of Y/N's and suspected something was wrong in this smile, as if such a smile was worn only by the rich, who had to show their emotions in moderation.
"Well that's good! Let's go, newbie!" Vinnie said and went towards their alleyway they called home.
"You will definitely love our lovely corner in our alleyway." Skipp said enthusiastically and followed Vinnie.
Y/N stood up from the mattress and brushed off her clothes that she had borrowed from Mr. White, and was about to go after the guys, but Stone stopped her.
"Hey, Are you really a hobo like us? Because I don't believe it a little. And I've never seen you on the street before, until last night." Stone said with suspicion.
Y/N paused. She tried to come up with a quick and plausible answer. But nothing came to mind other than this. "Uh... YES!... um, I mean... Yes, I'm also an h- hobo, but I only got to this town recently, so I don't know much here." Y/N said nervously, small drops of sweat was dripping from her forehead.
Stone looked at Y/N and looked at her from head to toe. Stone shrugged and dispelled all suspicion. "Well, you really look like a homeless." Stone said and followed Vinnie and Skipp, throwing the cigarette on the ground.
Y/N was surprised by this answer, but at least he believed her lie. Y/N stepped on the cigarette, that Stone threw, to put it out and followed him.

In five minutes.

"So you're supposedly new here?" Vinnie asked.
Y/N didn't hear Vinnie's question because she was lost in thought. Should she have lied to her new friends? Friends? They haven't yet gotten to know each other properly enough to call each other friends. But suddenly she heard Vinnie.
"Hey, the earth calls...uh..." Vinnie fell silent, bexause Y/N never introduced herself. "What was your name?" She asked awkwardly.
Y/N was so lost in thoughts that she didn't even introduce herself. What disrespect. That's what her mother would say, but, thank God, she's not here, so there's no danger. "Oh right, sorry, My name is Y/N." She said shyly.
"What a beautiful and wonderful name! My name is Skipp." Skipp said with a smile.
"And I'm a threat to all the rich people in this town!" Vinnie exclaimed and all three looked at her questioningly. "Okay okay, I'm Vinnie. You guys are just boring." She mumbled.
Y/N looked at Stone, expecting him to introduce himself now as well. But a minute passed and he still didn't say any fucking thing. "So..." Y/N began. "And what is your name?" Y/N asked.
Stone sighed irritably. "Stone." He said and fell silent again.
Stone? Who would name their child Stone? Although, this name even suits him. It speaks for itself. Y/N thought so.

Vinnie started talking again. "So you didn't answer. You're new here, right?"
This time Y/N wasn't lost in her thoughts. "Oh, yes, I just arrived here two days ago and... I don't know anything here." Y/N said.
Vinnie and Skipp's eyes sparkled. If Y/N is new here, then she can be shown the whole town up and down. From their favorite places to their most hated.
"Then let's give you a tour of the city." Skipp suggested. When Skipp said this, Y/N had an idea, if they show her the whole city, then they should show her where the residential area of rich people is, where Y/N lives. So she will get to know the city where her father grew up better, and at the same time she will be able to easily find her way home when her mother returns.
"That's a great idea, Skipp!" Y/N said happily with a wide smile. But then her stomach began to growl. That's right, she hasn't eaten anything yet, and neither have the guys.
"Well, look who's hungry, me too by the way, I think we can find food along the way, because we have money that you won but returned to us." Vinnie said with a smile.
"Y- Yes... Don't remind me of this please..." Y/N said quietly, still feeling guilty about what happened yesterday.
Vinnie led them down the street, Skipp and Y/N followed and Stone trailing behind.
Vinnie and Skipp started showing Y/N around town, and along the way they stopped in and bought two whole cans of beans. Y/N was surprised, they could have bought any other food, but they chose beans? Maybe someday Y/N will be able to feed them normal food, but not now.

In three hours.

Vinny and Skipp took Y/N through all the nooks and crannies of this town, but the residential area of the rich was still nowhere to be seen. Y/N even became impatient. "Uh... Vinnie?" Y/N said nervously.
Vinnie turned to Y/N. "Yes? What is it?" She asked.
There seemed to be a lump in Y/N's throat, what she wanted to say could be a little suspicious, and if they found out the truth, they would not want to communicate with her anymore, and all hope of friendship would be destroyed. But Y/N had to ask this, she can't hang out and live on the street like hobo forever. Y/N cleared her throat. "I wanted to ask... There must be rich people here, and I thought that..." She didn't have time to finish, because she was interrupted.
"Oh, so you're already drawn to stealing? Great, we'll teach you how to act in this town, because it's different from your previous town." Vinnie said excitedly.
Y/N was taken aback, she didn't even have time to finish the sentence, and she didn't mean it at all. "That's not what I meant..." Y/N said quietly, but no one seemed to hear her except Stone. She looked at Stone.
"Get over it, Vinnie hears what she wants to hear." Stone said to Y/N.
Crap. Now Y/N, a well-bred girl, will have to steal. "I'm so stupid... Why did I even come up with the idea of going for a walk in secret from my mother?" Y/N thought. There is nothing to be done. "Okay, I'll steal from someone's pocket once, but no one will remember my face... Yes, that's what we'll do." Y/N thought. "Okay, okay, teach me how to steal in this town." Y/N said with a small smile.
"Great! Let's go." Vinny said and ran somewhere deep into the town.
Skipp took Y/N by the sleeve and led her behind Vinnie.
Stone sighed. "We need to go somewhere again, why can't we spend a single day in peace?" Stone thought and followed the guys.

In five minutes.

The guys were hiding in a big trash can from the police. It was cramped there; all four of them could barely fit in this trash can. Y/N was pressed close to Stone, which made it even worse. He still smelled of cigarettes, which was at least a little soothing, because this smell reminded her of her father.
"I'm an idiot! Why did I agree to steal money from people's pockets?! It was a stupid idea!" Y/N thought.

That smell of cigarettes (Stone x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now