(9)It all started with a dream.

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Y/N was still asleep, having a dream. She had a romantic dream where she was sitting under a large tree in her most elegant dress, and on her head there was a hat that covered her from the sun. She held her notebook in her hand, where she sketched the beautiful landscape that was right before her eyes. But suddenly the wind blew and her hat was blown off her head, but one guy managed to quickly catch it. Y/N didn't see his face in her dream. That guy sat down next to her and put her hat back on her head. Y/N blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked at this guy, she saw that he was dressed in a very nice grayish suit, her eyes rose higher to his face. The guy leaned towards Y/N's face and almost kissed her, but then her sleep was interrupted.
Y/N woke up in the morning to a loud noise. "Vinnie, be quiet or you'll wake Y/N." Skipp whispered.
"I know, I know, but this thing just slipped out of my hand." Vinnie said, picking up the trash can lid from the floor.
Y/N raised her head and looked around and saw Stone, he was the first thing she saw. Stone was sitting on the ground, he took a sip from the bottle.
Y/N got up from the ground and walked towards the guys. "Good morning..." She said quietly.
Stone looked at Y/N but then quickly looked away. Y/N didn't understand why he did this, but she didn't ask about it.
"I told you you'd wake her up." Skipp said.
"I told you it wasn't on purpose." Vinnie said.
Y/N even felt awkward because of this. "It's okay guys, I would still wake up sooner or later." Y/N said. "But thanks for your concern, Skipp." She said to Skipp with a smile. Although it was a little disappointing that her dream was interrupted at such a romantic moment, she will only have to imagine who the mysterious guy from her dream was.
Y/N looked at Vinnie, then at Skipp, then at Stone. "So..." Y/N began. "What are we going to do today?" She asked.
Vinnie looked at Y/N from head to toe. "Well, I think you need to get some normal clothes for hobo because you look worse than a homeless person." Vinnie said.
Y/N was surprised by such words from Vinnie, because Y/N thought she looked like a real hobo, but apparently she went too far when she made Mr. White's clothes into something more suitable for the street, namely, more similar to something that homeless person will wear, so that no one recognized her.
"Do I really look worse than a homeless person?" Y/N asked. Everyone nodded.
"See? I told you." Stone said to Y/N and took a sip from his bottle.
"But don't worry, we will help you find something more suitable!" Skipp said calming Y/N down.
"Thanks." Y/N said. She looked at the dying fire in the barrel. But after a few seconds, Y/N started thinking. Where can the guys find clothes for her?
"But where can we find clothes for me?" She asked Vinnie and Skipp.
"Well, we can find clothes in a landfill, rich people probably throw away clothes they no longer need, but if you're squeamish, we can steal clothes from the store." Vinnie said with a smile.
"No! Don't steal anything again!" Y/N exclaimed, but then she realized the guys were looking at her questioningly and not understanding why she didn't want to steal something. "I... um... I meant that clothes from a landfill would be fine." Y/N said awkwardly.

At the landfill.

Y/N wandered through the pile of garbage, looking for clothes. Vinnie and Skipp were also looking for clothes for Y/N, and Stone just wandered through the pile of garbage, supposedly 'helping find clothes' for Y/N, but in reality he didn't want to do that and so he just wandered around.
Suddenly Y/N found something among the trash that reflected light. She cleared away the trash with her hands and took out this item. It was a broken mirror. Y/N didn't remember the last time she looked at herself in the mirror, she knew that now she looked terrible, but she decided to look in the mirror. When Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, she saw disheveled hair, an unwashed face with some scratches. It's only been three days? How did she manage to get to this point? If mom saw her like this... It's better not to think about it.
"Did you find something?" The voice from behind asked.
Y/N turned in the direction of the voice and saw only Stone approaching her. "Uh- Yeah... I just found a mirror..." She said, turning away from Stone and looking at the pile of garbage again.
"And what?" Stone said raising one eyebrow.
"I look awful!" Y/N said.
Stone was a bit surprised by this. "We don't look any better. Since when did you start taking care of your appearance?" Stone asked suspiciously.
Y/N simply frowned and threw away the mirror, not even bothering to answer Stone's question.
"Well, okay." Stone mumbled and went back to 'looking for clothes for Y/N'.
Y/N was lost in her thoughts. She remembered how once she came home after a walk in dirty clothes and with abrasions on her face. And what now? She is again in some dirty clothes, with abrasions on her unwashed face. But only now dad, that caring man who could have had a terrifying appearance, but with the most good-natured character, is now gone. All that was left was mother, who could only criticize and humiliate without any compassion. And why should Y/N even return home if there is no hint of happiness there?
Y/N was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even see where she was going. She tripped over some debris and fell down somewhere. She lost consciousness.

It seemed to Y/N that she woke up in the 'lair' of her hobo friends. It was dark there, but the fire in the barrel was still burning. "Where is everyone?" Y/N said to herself. "Where's Vinnie, Skipp and damn Stone? How did I even end up here?!"
So far there were more questions than answers.
But suddenly Y/N heard a mesmerizing violin playing coming from somewhere on the roof. This sound beckoned her; she wanted to know who the performer of this beautiful melody was.
Y/N somehow climbed onto the roof. There was such a wonderful view from here. It was as if you could see everything from here, see everything that people were doing, who seemed so small. Y/N looked at the sky, she saw small, bright stars and a large snow-white moon, as if they were just a stone's throw away.
But Y/N was not interested in the stars and the moon, but in that beautiful melody that she still heard. She turned in the direction from which the violin was heard. There he sat, the guy from Y/N's dream, which ended suddenly then. Y/N walked up to him, and that guy stopped playing the violin.
"Finally you have come." The guy said and stood up. He walked over to Y/N, brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her on the lips. This kiss seemed to last forever, but when it ended, Y/N pulled away and looked at the guy. Instead of the face of some prince she saw... Stone's face?!
Y/N was surprised and scared. She pushed him away and suddenly woke up.
The first thing she saw was Vinnie. Here it is, a feeling of deja vu.
"Is everything okay? You apparently fell and lost consciousness... And it looks like you had a nightmare?" Vinnie said, helping Y/N up.
Y/N got to her feet with Vinnie's help. "No... I had a dream about Stone..." Y/N said.
"Oh, well, that's even worse." Vinnie said.

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