(11)Unexpected emotions.

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The next day.
The guys were sitting near barrel, but Y/N hasn't returned yet.
Vinnie sat down on the box. "Where did Y/N go?" Vinnie asked.
Stone sighed and looked at the roof. "She said she went to watch the sunset, she said that last night, she might have fallen asleep on the roof... I don't know." Stone said.
"What if something happened to her on the roof?" Skipp said worriedly.
"God... Nothing happened to her!" Stone said irriyably.
"Woah woah, chill out, bro." Vinnie said. "But I think it's still worth checking up on her, maybe something really happened to her." She added and kicked Stone. "Come on, go-go!"

After a minute.
Stone climbed the ladder to the roof of a house where Y/N was sitting. "Y/N this... Y/N that.... she's fine. It's like she's some kind of child... idiots." Stone mumbled under his breath irritably.
When Stone finally climbed onto the roof, he saw Y/N sitting on the roof. Like he said, she was fine and there was no need to worry so much about her.
"Hey!" Stone said trying to get Y/N's attention. Y/N turned around and saw Stone. She blushed a little at the sight of him. "Yes? Do you want something from me?" Y/N asked with a lovely smile, which of course didn't catch Stone's attention.
"No, it's just that Vinnie and Skipp were worried about you since you were gone all night." Stone said.
Y/N, of course, was a little upset about this, but she didn't show it. "I see, I'll come down now." Y/N said and looked at the sky again.
Stone was about to leave, but Y/N decided to take a chance and invite Stone to walk with her. Y/N turned back towards Stone. "Stone." Y/N said.
Stone sighed. "What?" He asked.
"I wanted to take a walk around the town, but it's boring alone, so I thought, would you join me?" Y/N said with a smile.
"Would you rather go with Skipp or Vinnie? I'm not the best walking companion, you know..." Stone said. "Why are you even inviting me for a walk? What's wrong with you? You've become kind of strange."
Y/N blushed, she didn't want to show off her feelings just yet, so she told the truth but in a more friendly way. "I just want to build a relationship with you, become friends, you know? I understand if you don't want to go or just be friends with me..." Y/N said.
Stone felt a little awkward refusing Y/N. But before he could calmly refuse her, so what has changed now? Stone himself did not understand what was happening to him from the moment that happened when they were running away from the police.
"Okay, but don't annoy me with stupid and naive questions." Stone said and left.
This simple 'okay' has never made Y/N so happy. Her eyes sparkled with joy, this is a potential date, well, only for Y/N, but for Stone it's just a friendly walk to improve relations.
Y/N was about to start choosing the most suitable outfit out of habit, but then she remembered, she was on the street. "Jesus..." Y/N said and giggled at how stupid she was.

In one hour.

Y/N walked down the street with Stone. Y/N smiled, but Stone's face was the same as always. Y/N looked at Stone. "What did you tell the guys about us going for a walk?" Y/N asked Stone.
Stone looked away. "I lied that we went to get food. So at the end of our walk we have to steal someone's wallet." Stone said.
Y/N felt a little uneasy when she thought about stealing from someone's pocket.

Twenty minutes ago. In the scrap's 'lair'.
"She said she wanted to wander around the town, but she was bored alone... That's why she invited me." Stone said.
"Whoa, someone's got a date!" Vinnie said teasingly.
"What?! No!" Stone exclaimed.
"Come on, Stone, why would she invite you first? The answer is obvious!" Skipp said with a smile.
"Don't be stupid!" Stone said irritably.
"Okay, okay... But comb your hair just in case, you don't want to look like a loser in front of Y/N! ." Vinnie said jokingly.

At present.

Y/N looked at the windows of different stores. They were on the street where the rich walked. They stood out so much from the crowd.
Stone frowned a little. "Maybe we'll walk down the street where there are no rich people?" Stone said.
Y/N looked at him with sad eyes to show pity. "Well, please, let's walk here a little, and then we'll steal someone's wallet and then go down another street." Y/N said.
Stone sighed and turned away from Y/N. "Okay... just for a little while..." Stone said.
Y/N understood that Stone was bored here, so she decided to come up with something. Y/N looked at Stone with a smile and Stone looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What?" Stone said.
"Whoever runs last to that flower shop over there, steals the wallet." Y/N said with a smile, pointing to a distant flower shop.
"What kind of childishness...?" Stone mumbled, but after looking into Y/N's eyes, he couldn't refuse. "Okay, okay." Stone said and sighed.
"Great, let's start... Now!" Y/N said happily and ran.
Stone was surprised, but ran after her. "It's not fair! I wasn't ready!" Stone exclaimed.
Y/N laughed and hearing her ringing laugh, he smiled a little.
While they were running, Y/N bumped into some rich teenage girl.
Stone stopped. "Y/N!" He said and approached her.
"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Y/N said and looked at that girl's face. She saw her expression, it was full of disgust, and her friends stood and were surprised.
Stone walked over to Y/N and helped her up. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Stone asked.
The girl looked at Stone with disgust. "Oh my God! What are these homeless couple doing here?!" She said with disgust.
The crowd surrounded them.
Y/N started to get nervous and grabbed Stone's arm.
The voices merged together. All those looks of disgust were directed at Y/N and Stone. Stone leaned towards Y/N's ear, causing Y/N to blush. "Run to the count of three... One.... Two... Three!" Stone said as he grabbed Y/N's hand and ran through the crowd.
Y/N was not ready to run and tripped, causing her shoe to fly off. The boot flew straight into the forehead of that rich teenage girl. Y/N noticed this and laughed.
Stone noticed this too and laughed as well.
They ran in an unknown direction, but it didn't matter whether they got to where they needed to go or not. They were having quite a bit of fun now.

They ran to some alley to rest.
Y/N was still laughing. "Did you see how my shoe flew right into that girl's forehead?" Y/N asked laughing.
"Yes, it was quite a ridiculous sight." Stone said holding back his laughter.
"Now I'm missing one shoe." Y/N noticed.
Stone looked at Y/N's foot, which was now without a shoe. "Don't worry, we'll find you a new one." Stone said and smiled a little.
It was the first smile Y/N had seen from Stone in her life. At that moment she felt special.

That smell of cigarettes (Stone x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now