Chapter 7: Princess of Colchis

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/Chapter 7: Princess of Colchis

Percy turned back to Reyna and the rest of the legion and their shocked faces, "I hope that you found my punishment fitting praetor."/

Reyna grinned. "I have no problems," she said remembering the countless obnoxious moments from Octavian.

/Reyna snapped out of her shock and nodded, "Yes, I believe it is fitting for his crime. Now we must call the Senate together to discuss the quest."

Percy nodded, "Just make sure my little sis gets the Mural Crown. The honor of victory for the fifth is hers. Now that Gwen is okay, I believe our victory is worth celebrating."/

Hazel smiled and said. "Thanks, lil bro."

"Little? That's Nico," Percy said.

"Hey! I'm older than all of you!" Nico yelled.

"A grandpa stuck in a teen's body," Percy said.

"I'm an adult!" Nico yelled.

"Only physically. Mentally, not so much," Percy said.

Nico rolled his eyes.

/Percy was leading Hazel towards the Senate House after getting the rest of their cohort settled down in their barracks.

"Percy, why did you say I should get the Mural Crown? You were first up the wall." Hazel asked confused./

"Yeah, but you deserve it more," Percy said.

Hazel gave Percy a quick hug.

/Percy shrugged, "I wouldn't have got there if you didn't find the tunnel to the wall. I was already made centurion on my first day, I think that is enough honors for one day."

Hazel smiled before she grabbed Percy's arm to stop him. Percy looked down at her questioningly./

"You're so short," Percy said.

"Hey, it's not my fault you have stilts for legs," Hazel said.

/Hazel looked up at him nervously, "How did you do that stuff with the water? First with the water cannons and then with the pitcher of water inside the fortress."

Percy bit his lip nervously, "Do you promise not to tell anyone else what I tell you?"

Hazel nodded and looked at him concerned./

"Oops," Hazel said.

/"I was born a son of Neptune." He said softly making Hazel gasp. "But Dad found me when I was on the run and adopted me. He raised me since I was ten. He is my Dad, I hate Neptune." Percy explained./

Poseidon felt a little hurt but couldn't really complain at this point.

/Hazel looked at him in shocked silence making Percy become worried.

"I guess I'm not really your brother. I'm sorry I told you I wa..." Percy began before Hazel clamped a hand over his mouth./

"Brother by choice is more important than brother by blood," Hazel said.

All of the demigods agreed with that statement.

"A very wise sentiment," Theseus said. "Family is who you choose to accept, not who you're forced to share blood with."

"If only some people could realize that," Zoe said glancing at Zeus for a moment but quickly looking away not looking to get shish kabobbed at 2 PM.

/"Don't say that!" She hissed. "You are my brother. You are a son of Pluto and I am a daughter of Pluto making us brother and sister. I don't care who you were born to, you're my brother." She finished sternly.

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