Chapter 20: Intertwined Destinies

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/Chapter 20: Intertwined Destinies

Percy ran over to a still weak looking Nico and Bianca before he gently threw his arms around Bianca and pulled her into a hug. After a few seconds, he let go of his sister with one hand and pulled Nico into the hug./

Bianca, Percy, Hazel, and Nico all held each other closely. They didn't know how this was going to unfold. So there was no reassure anymore that anyone would be making it out alive.

/"You two are going to tell me how you got captured right now." Percy said in a calm tone that tried to cover the slight edge to his question.

Both children of Hades paled a bit as they stepped back.

"We... We were looking for you..." Bianca said trailing off.

"We were looking in the Underworld and we got too close." Nico said picking up where his sister trailed off./

"Too close to what?" Leo asked.

Percy believed he knew, but didn't want to put it into words.

/"And?" Percy growled.

Bianca looked up at her brother as a tear slipped out of her eye.

"We got pulled into Tartarus."

Percy's eyes widened as neither of his siblings would meet his gaze. Zoë quickly made her way to Percy's side and whispered something in his ear that snapped him out of his trance./

"You always know what to say to me," Percy whispered.

/He knelt down in front of the duo and gave them a small smile.

"It's okay guys. All that matters is your safe now. Next time something happens, you guys should talk to Zoë and Annabeth though. They would have made sure nothing like this happened."

Both siblings looked up at him.

"Sorry Percy, we were just trying to find you." Bianca whispered.

Percy grabbed her hand softly, "I know little sis. It's okay though, now we're back together and nothing will happen to you or Nico ever again."/

"Now let's not do anything to separate you ever again," Hades said. "Everyone can go back to camp and it can all be over."

/Bianca smiled at his words before a huge shadow appeared overhead. Bianca and Nico looked above them in awe as a massive ship descended down on top of them.

"What is that?" Bianca gasped.

Percy chuckled, "That would be our sister Hazel and Leo with the Argo II."

"Sister?" Bianca asked confused.

Percy nodded and glanced at Nico who was looking very interested in the arena floor.

Percy let out a small laugh, "Yes and I believe Nico knows were her quite well considering he broke her out of the Underworld before you two got captured."/

"You can't prove it," Nico said.

"Pretty sure we can," Hades said. "But I'll pretend I didn't know."

/Bianca turned to look at Nico accusingly making Percy laugh at his look of fear. A rope ladder descended from the ship as it hovered overhead.

"Let's go everyone. We've got a daughter of Athena to save and no time to waste." Percy said grabbing Zoë's hand and vanishing into a shadow. Nico and Bianca followed their lead leaving Jason and Piper alone on the arena floor.

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