Chapter 13: The Harbinger of Death

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That night, something died inside of him

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That night, something died inside of him. The darkness crept up on him like a thief in the night, silently and swiftly. It wrapped its cold, bony fingers around his throat, squeezing tight until every last drop of light had been extinguished. He felt like he was drowning in an ocean of blackness, gasping for air. It was as if a part of him had died, leaving behind nothing but an emptiness that echoed through his entire being. The darkness had consumed him, body and soul, and he was left feeling lost and alone in a world that had suddenly become so much darker.

"Do it." A voice taunted, echoing through the void before him.

Was this what lurks behind Death's eyes?

Is this what it's like to die?

Rhazien's thoughts were as tumultuous as the turbulent tides beneath. The enigma of what lay beyond the veil of mortality had long been a subject of deep contemplation. The question of what secrets lurked on the other side of existence had been a persistent mystery in Rhazien's mind, leaving them with an insatiable curiosity that he couldn't shake off.

The inky blackness seeped through the vast emptiness, looming over him with an ominous presence. It felt as though he was shackled to that spot, unable to move from the grasp of the encroaching darkness.


Shot in the dark.

Left for dead.

The weight of guilt was crushing him as he couldn't stop thinking about how he had failed to protect all those people who had perished. He was haunted by the memories of Lilith, Mr. Blanks, the rookie, and Callum, all of whom he could not save. Despite his best efforts, he felt responsible for their untimely demise and couldn't help but wonder if he could have done something differently.

In his darkest moments, he couldn't help but think about his past mistakes. Specifically, he regretted not being able to protect his three dear friends - Crain, Renwick, and Aria. He often wondered if things would have been different if he had gone back for them when he had the chance. The thought of their fate weighed heavily on his mind, and he couldn't help but question if he could have made a difference in their lives.

His ship was sinking, and it was a matter of time before he drowned along with it.

Rhazien knew of the risks. The more he treaded in the dark, the more likely he was to become the very things that lurked beneath. It resulted in him getting bitten, slowly turning, and being stabbed in the back by his best friend. 

It was a game he could not win.

He always knew a bullet was waiting for him. Even in the face of death, he couldn't shake the feeling that an ominous presence was lurking just beyond his line of sight. It felt like time was ticking away each second, counting down until it inevitably reached zero and pulled the trigger, unleashing an explosive force that would change everything irreversibly.

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