Ink flowed into a dark puddle...

490 25 15

~A few pages from Furina's journal..

I'm not exactly the type to write, but I've never been able to express my thoughts and feelings to anyone, so why not try a journal? I doubt I'll write often, but there's a few things I'd like to document.

Firstly, it's been four days since the prophecy came to be, and that i managed to retire from my acting.
I still haven't figured out what to feel, however its as if a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. I would assume that's from the fact I'm not longer the 'archon', right? Not like I ever was to begin with, but the act was a huge burden to carry, and now..
I'm free.
I'm just a human, as Mirror-me said.
This means I can pursue my own life, without the pressure of the fate of Fontaine right at my side.

It's a good feeling,

well, would have been more so if I had energy. Neuvillette helped me get a new apartment, since I'm not longer living at the Palais Mermonia, but I've been so tired and exhausted from everything that I've done nothing but lie in bed and stare at my ceiling.

Well, I managed to get out yesterday, at least!

Clorinde paid me a visit, and of course -upon seeing the state of my new apartment- helped to unpack my bags of belongings, aswell as tidy up.
That duelist is truly a kind soul. (I think I could call her one of my 'best friends', maybe?)
That day, she came over to invite me to a gathering with old friends.
I couldn't really refuse considering the help she offered, so I accepted with a slight smile.

And what a night it was indeed! I got drunk, and Clorinde had to help me home, but all was fun and well...
I didn't need to be cautious, as I hadn't a secret to spill.
For the first time since the event, I finally got to be myself.
Is this what human life is like?
I think I could enjoy this...
Well, after a while of course, I still need to process all that has happened.
And there's a few people I'd like to talk to..

Most of my coherent thoughts have been about a certain Mx -Cappucino- Arlecchino.

That Knave..

Her existence still plagues the back of my mind, and I haven't much idea on what to do about it.
Perhaps I should apologise for my outburst..?
Or do I ignore her presence and move on??
If I do that, what if I happened to run into her again?
I do not wish for any bad blood between such a dangerous (and attractive) woman such as herself and I.
Especially a woman who I drunkenly stole a kiss from...
Perhaps I'll write about that night at a separate time as well, but not today.
Either way, a troubling scenario, but I shouldn't fret over imaginary problems that may never even come to fruition.

That's it for now though. Apparently macaroni is always on sale every Tuesday in the shops so I've got to focus on getting it as soon as possible. It's what I've been resorting to make when I'm unable to do anything at all, just a simple quick meal. I'll note some recipes for sauces if any strike my fancy too.
Until next time, if I ever write again. :)


Hello again, dear journal!
It's been a few days- well, a week since I last wrote here, but I thought I might write a few tidbits that have happened as usual.

Neuvillette came to check on how I was doing, and brought a couple of gifts from himself and the melusines.
It was lovely to see his face again, although the shock he had on that face when he saw mine! Bed-hair-ridden and like I just got back from a rough hibernation, heh.
Although, I have been slowly been grown accustomed to living alone.

I was given various recipes from friends, but mainly from Miss Navia (of the Spina, and 'close friend' to Clorinde... They aren't fooling anyone!)
I had heard from Clorinde that she would often bake for her friends, but I didn't expect for her to show up out of the blue with bags upon bags of sweet treats and recipes to spare!

Such an optimistic individual, we got along great for a few hours as we chatted and baked. A lovely change of pace, and I learnt a few skills too.

She then invited me to join her and Clorinde for a walk around the Court the next day, and I gladly accepted.

We went to cafés, drank coffee and spoke about all things from Fontaine gossip, to a potential visit to another nation.
Although the whole time, I was clearly just third wheeling.

Apart from that, I enjoyed the time we spent together and went home satisfied with the outing.
Friends are truly a wonderful luxury. I'm very thankful to have them.

Although, I still haven't-..

A small ink puddle had accumulated around where the final word trailed off. Seems like Furina had somewhere she needed to be, suddenly enough so that she'd foolishly leave the pen to spill across the page...

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