Chapter Eleven: Maysa (Æscford)

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"At that moment I did not know where they ended, and I began."
- A Kallistian folk song.

The sight from the treetops entranced Maysa to no end.

She and Remus were away from the rest of the searchers, to a watering hole close to their encampment, in a lookout for the boar responsible for goring one of Edmund's men. Maysa and her friend were perched atop of the highest branches of an oak tree, both donned in thick leather armour and armed with composite bows and arrows. The third member of this group, an Aureate Shield, was positioned upon a tree lower than the one the royals were in. Save for the occasional rustle of leaves, all was silent.

With a fond smile, Maysa remembered the olden days. When she was younger, her father was often told by lords outside Domhnall that, however, would she get married if she remained this wild? Climbing trees and such were not supposed to be recreation for maidens. Their well-meaning wives with furrowed brows would add that she was a girl, born with the delicate stature of a woman. What if she hurt herself beyond repair?

They, obviously, did not mean her wellbeing. It was about her reproductive capabilities these ladies were concerned about, that way it has been. The children before the mother, even if the former were non-existent. Trees meant little without the fruit they provide. And in that accord, women and trees were no different.

"But she is my sun."

Her baba would say with a hint of mirth in his hazel gaze. That would stop them in an instant. She had never stopped, neither did he force her to stop. A warmth spread through her chest as she thought of her father. There was none quite like him in this world. Rather, there were none like him or Remus in this world. Both loved for who she was, wild spirit, masculine inclinations and all.

"Do you think we will locate anything today?" Remus asked, breaking the silence. "Save for the ants on my armour, I see no other creature."

Maysa laughed. "It does not matter if we cannot locate the boar by today itself. In that way, we can be here again tomorrow."

"What is your true intention, my princess?" Remus raised an eyebrow, feigning mock seriousness. "This little detour seems to have more layers than I thought it was in the beginning. Now tell me. What nefarious plot do you brew in that sharp mind of yours?"

I want to be alone with you. "Well, do you not want to be away from Edmund Eni? I never knew you preferred his company so much." She winked.

"By gods, what do you think I am?" This time, the look of horror on Remus's face was real. "I never said I enjoyed his company. Yet nor do I enjoy the company of these ants."

He still looks so beautiful. Maysa giggled. The sight of her beloved friend flustered a sight for her sore eyes. He swatted at his neck, causing the skin to redden. She could feel a different warmth coursing through her core as she watched the sunlight fall upon his sculpted features. For a moment, she was envious of the critters that got to touch him.

"But in all seriousness," he continued, rubbing his reddened neck with utmost vigour. "What if we really cannot find the boar? There is no way for either of us to know which boar gored the man. We did not witness the attack."

Maysa nodded. "That is true, but that is also something that will help us. We can always hunt a creature of similar description and bring it to the camp." She flashed him a wide smile, the kind that said that this entire orchestration was a farce created by her.

"The things I do for you, my sweet." Remus sighed in a theatrical manner, causing her to smile even wider.

A distinguished grunt brought their attention back to the watering hole. Sure enough, the object of their conversation was here; a male boar with two distinguished tusks protruding from its mouth. Maysa squinted harder, her heart in her mouth. This could be the one. Their waiting would at last pay off.

Children of Fire and Sun: The Rebellion (Novella Version) ✓Where stories live. Discover now