Chapter Sixteen: Maysa (Æscford)

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"Winds of fate are rarely ever kind. Perhaps it is because of the insignificance of mortal existence, that we must endure anguish, no matter how unfair it seems."
- Aemona Teres, a courtier.

Maysa rubbed the spearhead against the weathered whetstone, its sounds adding to the cacophony of the morning.

Few days had passed since she had that nightmare, a few days since Ayan decapitated Laurent Eni in front of all the noble lords of Namiona. News seemed to have not yet reached the two parties camping in the woods. A missive via a dove would find it pretty difficult to locate its destination in a place as vast as Æscford. Although it was not wholly impossible.

She was engrossed in her task, wholly oblivious to her surroundings. The princess was donned in complete armour and was perched upon a stone boulder. Not that the spear needed sharpening; the wicked glint at its edge suggested it was more than sharp enough.

But Maysa knew not what else to do. Remus was still in his tent doing something she was unaware of. They were to leave for their routine search in a few moments. Around her, the soldiers and the Aureate Shields bustled about, planning their course for the day.

Maysa hummed a tune beneath her breath. She stopped running the whetstone over the spear, pausing for a while to appraise her handiwork. With a slender finger, she traced the spearhead before letting herself linger on the shaft of the spear.

It was carved out of pure gold and etched with emerald, rubies, and lapis to depict roses on vines. A bit of beauty to alleviate the grim purpose of the object, as is human nature to honeycoat even the most dreadful of things and events.

Else why would they call a bloody war Unification?

An unconscious smile emerged on her lips as she gazed fondly at the spear. Her trusted aide, Sunfyre. This weapon had been with her for almost as long as Remus had been her friend. It was a gift from her father on her ninth birth anniversary.

Since then, it had practically become an extension of her being. Prince Mellor had ordered its construction when her mother was pregnant. Did he think that he would have a son? Perhaps. Or maybe he had dreamt of a child who would yield a spear.

Mellor was a dreamer, and his dreams often held answers.

On any other day, Maysa would have remained engrossed in her reminiscence. Her mind would not be averted till Remus or someone else summoned her, saying it was time for them to venture out. But it was the clatter of footsteps and angry voices that jerked her out of her reverie rudely.

"Edmund, wait! I tell you, please wait."

"Just see what I do! Just see what I do to him! I won't spare him this time."

Maysa stood up in a blink of an eye holding the spear in a vice grip. No sooner did she hear Edmund's name. Her eyes flitted around like a wild beast till it landed on the two figures making their way with long strides towards Remus's tent.

They were none other than Edmund Eni and Janus Trellis, with Edmund having unsheathed that gargantuan scimitar of his. His dear friend Janus looked just like a mother running after a mischievous child about to unleash chaos on the household.

What in the world happened now? She, however, did not waste time on futile thoughts. Maysa got on her feet and rushed towards them, Sunfyre gripped firmly in her hand. A sourness prevailed in her mouth. Why have they come here at this hour?

She made it to the tent just in time to witness Edmund press the tip of his scimitar against Remus's neck; the latter perusing a worn map with his back facing the three newcomers. In a swift motion, she drove the spear through Edmund's palm.

Children of Fire and Sun: The Rebellion (Novella Version) ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant