17. Avast Ye, This Unfound Memory

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How y'all liking the frequent uploads this week? :)
I'm back at my 40 hrs this week for work so ya girls been having time to actually do shit after work. Here is the product of that <3
I also updated the playlist, so check that out if you'd like!
Enjoy, lovelies!!


I could heard the rustling of the ground below me as I followed closely behind my mother

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I could heard the rustling of the ground below me as I followed closely behind my mother. She had kept us in a straight line as we walked, my brother following my steps while she trailed behind my father, and him behind the woman in a cloak.

We had been walking for some time now, I could feel the soreness in my legs with each step... but I had no memory before this moment. I did not know how I made it here into this forest. All I knew was that this woman had been leading us somewhere.

"Just a bit further." I heard the woman whisper, her voice hoarse and cold with the current of the wind. My parents had said nothing to acknowledge that voice as we continued walking. I didn't know what she looked like, but I could tell she was shorter than my mother, and she was leading us deeper into the forest, not out of it. I knew by the roughness of the path we took, if you could call it a path.

Once we had finally reached a small clearing, all I felt was confusion, especially when my mother ordered Hodrus and I to take a seat on the forest floor, right above a scattered layer of dry leaves.

I watched as Hodrus first complied, then I followed, not questioning my mother and father as the shorter woman took a seat in front of us.

She was eye level to me now, and for the first time this evening, I could see her. My gaze focused in on her eyes.

I could feel my body still completely at how they burned. Pure emerald green... an unnatural color.

Some of her hair was visible through the cloak, yet it was difficult to see its color with such minimal light. the only thing lighting our path was the torch she carried, before she passed that off to my mother to hold when she took a seat across from me and my brother.

My mother and father kept their distance near the edge of the clearing, only watching as this woman's eyes bore straight through my own. I didn't know what this feeling was, but I had suddenly felt something, a handprint on a place inside of me. Something no human should be able to touch. A feeling that felt somehow familiar though I knew I had never experienced it before.

I was so distracted by the color of her eyes, by this awfully hallowing sensation, I didn't notice the darkening of her veins until a bony hand reached out through the crisp night air towards me, her stone cold fingers lightly grazing my forehead. Those black thin streams were mirroring the pattern of her veins, slowly spread up her arms, but I only caught a glimpse of it before my vision completely darkened, matching the color of the night sky.

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