Chapter 5 Flirting

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As she left the bathroom, she ran smack into Liam. Like literally right into his chest. Her hands go out to his chest to steady herself and his hands come up on her waist to help.

And the electricity she felt where their bodies touched was like nothing she's ever experienced.
The romance novels, they are her favorite and she loved to read, but never thought it true.

"I am in so much trouble. This is not good, not good at all. Remember no men!" She thinks to herself.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going." She replied.

"Well, I'm not" he replied.

"Umm excuse me?" Rayna asked.

"I'm not sorry a beautiful woman ran into me. It's not every day I have a beautiful lady in my arms." He smiled and she blushed.

"Uh right, sorry again." Now she knows she's in trouble.

"Don't sweat it, Rayna" he smiled again.

Yes, definitely in trouble. Obviously, Mary gave him her name. She goes back to the bar and ordered a second drink. Rule number one in a bar, never drink a drink that's been out of your sight period.

"So, I saw you talking to Liam, did he ask about me? What did he say?" Mary asked.

"No, I just accidently ran into him when I walked out of the bathroom. I apologized and he said it was ok." She kept it simple for her.

"Really? Was it intentional or really an accident?" she huffed.

"Are you kidding me? Are you serious right now? You know I am not looking for a man! And I don't lie! I can not believe you have the nerve to accuse me of that!" Rayna told her.

"Look I'm sorry, I just got it really bad for him. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything" she replied.

"My head is starting to ache; I'm going to head back to the resort." Rayna replied.

Rayna left the club and went back to the resort. The rest of the week is pretty much normal. She's still getting that feeling during her jogging. After that blow up at the bar she decided not to go back. Each time she was around Mary she felt more certain the woman was not right in the head.

Mary was just too intense and weird. Friday evening, she decided to go for a drive. It's been a while since she's got to open up her baby and feel the speed on the open road. She's not had a long drive since she arrived here.

After about 15 minutes a black motorcycle comes up behind her, riding her bumper. He just came out of nowhere. It made the hairs stand up on the back of her neck again. Then it pissed her off.

"Back off dude. Fine buddy you want to play well eat my dust." She replied.

She dropped down a gear and sped up. It did manage to leave him for about 30 seconds. Most likely due to the element of surprise. Of course, he catches up quickly. Just as she started to feel a little nervous, he passes her and takes off down the road.

"I'm really starting to over think things and imagine stuff. I need to get a grip on my imagination!" She tells herself as she breathes a sigh of relief.

She's been at the resort a month now. Emailed and texted daily with her siblings and Ms. Walker. She almost feels not needed. She's not been back to the bar due to Mary's weird behavior last time she was there.

Mary's texted and called. But she's made excuses. It's the week of Christmas. Her siblings and bestie are coming to stay the week with her. She's so excited and has missed them so bad she can hardly wait!

They finally arrived and Rayna met them dowstairs in the lobby. She led them to the penthouse where she'd been staying. Once inside, she showed them where they could put their bags and would be sleeping during their stay.

"Omg sis this place is amazing!" Maddi exclaimed.

"You may not say that after having to share a room with your brother!" Rayna laughed

"Hey I heard that." Caleb frowned.

"I hope it don't cramp your style, Bro!" Rayna retorted while Maddi giggled.

"Ok give me all the details!! How many hotties have you lusted over?" Said Gabbi.

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously Gabbi?!"

Rayna spends rest of the day showing them around. Next day is Monday and she treats them all to a spa day. Evening time came and they started begging to go out.

"Omg you guys barely been here 24 hours! Ok ok fine. There's one bar. I guess we can go there." Rayna replied.

"Look out ladies the Caleb-ster is in the house!!" Caleb hollered.

"Never ever call yourself that again!" Rayna retorted.

Then makes a fake gagging noise. Maddi and Gabbi mimic her. Then both fall into a fit of giggles.

Caleb crossed his arms over his chest and says, "hmph!"

Rayna quickly explained about the whole Mary episode, so they'd understand if things get weird. And then they leave to go to the bar. They walk in the bar and as usual its crowded. However, they lucked up and found a table near the dance floor and close to the bar.

"Yep, he's in his usual place. Ok don't go there!" Rayna muttered to herself.

She gets everyone's drink orders and heads to the bar.

The bartender greets her and says, "Sweetheart were ya been? You've been greatly missed! Thanks for putting us poor saps out of our misery and gracing us with your presence again!"

Then he gives her a huge grin and wink. She told him she'd been busy. He raised an eyebrow in disbelief, took our drink orders, and started to make them.

As she waits, she feels someone watching and glances over and sees Liam staring. She then looks over to see Mary watching him watching her. Oh boy.

As the bartender sets the drinks down Caleb has come to help. He can be sweet at times. Caleb hugged her, and helped carry the drinks to the table.

She joked with him about his help only being due to her paying for his drink. She glanced over at Liam and saw him watching them with a scowl on his face.

"What's his problem?" she wondered.

Then she looked at Mary and she's smiling. "Whatever, just leave me out of it!" was her last thought before heading to the table.

Nope I am not doing this triangle thing, not happening! Back at the table she noticed the bartender talking to Liam. Then she saw him smiling.

"Hmmm, wonder what they are talking about?" Rayna muttered.

"What did you say?" Gabbi waved her hand in her face. "Hello, earth to Rayna!"

Then she followed her gaze noticing what Rayna is looking at and grinned. She preceded to tell her how hot and hunky he was. Seeing Liam staring back she caught his attention and gave him a big wink. Liam laughed and winked back.

They acted like there's some joke going on between them that no one knew about. Maddi asked who they're talking about. Caleb looked confused as usual.

"No one!" Rayna replied hastily.

Rayna blushed getting caught staring again. "Omg Gabbi I'm going to kill you!"

She then whispered about Mary and the exchange at the bar. "NOT going there! Drop it!", she complained.

Gabbi grinned then whispered, " We shall see!"

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