Chapter 2 Heaven

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"After the whole episode of you threatening to cut his tongue out and remove his man parts, I don't think so. Also, you holding a butcher knife while you said it, didn't help matters either. You're lucky he didn't have you arrested, or have his bodyguards attack you." Rayna warned.

Gabbi replied, "Well if he can't take the heat, he should stay out of the kitchen! Besides he so deserved it! And it's not like I really would have cut his tongue out!"

They all meet the day before leaving to say their goodbyes.

"Text me as soon as you get there, love you sis!", Maddi said.

Caleb replied., "Safe trip, and have some fun for once."

"Drive safe and try and relax, forget everything!" Mrs. Walker sniffed.

"Girl, go do everything I would! Keep your eyes and heart open for adventure and love. And if not love then some hot lust! Find you some hot hunk and go for it!" Gabbi winked.

Rayna was thinking there was no way she'd jump back into a relationship with any guy so soon. She thought it would be a long time before she even considered it.

They had been in a relationship for longer than any of her other ones she'd had in her life. However, sometimes life and love have their own agenda. Sometimes life does find a way.

The drive to the resort was long. But it did give the much-needed quiet time to help clear her mind. The events over the last 2 months had really taken their toll on her. When she arrived at the resort she was completely shocked at the beauty and massiveness of it.

It was a very fancy resort with about anything you could want. It was basically its own little town. It has a spa, gym, jogging trails, ball room, restaurant, to name a few, and the list continues. Thankfully there's also valet.

Her clothing was not that heavy, but some of the electronic video equipment can get heavy. She checked in and had everything delivered to the room. The front desk gave her several pamphlets explaining the activities and schedules the resort offered.

There's so many and the amenities were amazing. They even included information on local shops, restaurants, and stores nearby. Other than the resort, there only seems to be a local bar that offers any entertainment.

"I'm trying to figure out what to do first. I'm kind of one those people that likes to have a set schedule. I like to have a game plan, know what I'm going to do before I do it. Spontaneity has never been for me." She thought.

So, she decided on a short jog, shower, lunch, and then a spa day! Monday morning arrives and she's up around 6am for her daily jog. Deciding to do a beginner trail due to being a prisoner in her condo the last 2 months and not having much running.

There was also the fact that she didn't know their trails just yet. She put on her workout leggings and top, then head downstairs to ask for directions to the trails. She felt so good to be outdoors and running, breathing in the fresh air.

Very soon she realized how much she had missed her jogs and goes back to her room out of breath and sweaty. The shower is amazing, and she feels as good as new afterwards.

Next, she headed down to the restaurant for breakfast. After breakfast she went to the spa. The head-to-toe complete works was amazing. She couldn't help thinking that she'd like to take the cute hunk who gave her massage home with her.

She wondered what kind of punishment kidnapping had? He sure has the magic touch, but with her kind of luck he's probably gay. She really had the worst luck with guys. It was never normal and never boring, that was for sure.

Later dinner was so delicious, she felt like she was in another world. She followed this same routine for the week, but by Friday night was feeling restless. She decided to check out the bar. Bars usually have dancing.

While she was not much of a drinker and had never really cared for alcohol, she did love to dance. She hated the taste of beer, but some mixed drinks she was fine with in moderation of course.

She dressed in an off the shoulder white lace top and blue jean skirt with white lace fringe and finished it with white canvas shoes. She hated heels, and they aren't for dancing anyway.

The bar was very crowded. Looking around she saw a juke box in one corner, a stage for live entertainment, many tables, and of course the bar. Luckily there was an empty seat at the bar next to a woman. That's perfect, as last thing she wanted was some guy or drunk hitting on her.

She sits down and gave a shy smile to the lady as she looked at her. The lady raised an eyebrow then looks away and ignores her. Ok, then she thought. The bartender comes over and asked for her order.
She orders a strawberry daiquiri and he asks for identification.

"I mean really? I'm 27 years old." However, she showed him her id. He raised an eyebrow then hands it back to her.

"I have to card any new customers. I can't afford to lose my job over severing someone under drinking age. Even if she's a pretty little thing." He winks. "I'll be back with your drink in a minute."

He comes back a couple minutes later with her drink. "So, you're new here, are you just passing through or visiting?"

"I'm visiting for a little while", she said.

"Oh, who are you visiting?" he asked.

"Not to be mean or anything, but I don't know you and I don't feel comfortable giving out that information." Rayna explained.

"Hey I totally understand! Can't be too careful these days. Too many crazy people out there." He said while smiling. "I know firsthand."

He turned to go wait on another customer. She can't help noticing that his backside is just as good looking as his front. He's got nice muscles, but not bulky. Tattoos that she'd like to have a closer look at that are not over done like some she's seen.

Suddenly she's feeling like it's gotten hot in the bar. Halfway through her drink she gets a tingling feeling on the back of her neck, the kind that is like a warning of something or someone.

"Ok Miss Paranoia" she tells herself, "It's a bar, you're good looking, there's lots of men, I'm sure some are looking at me".

It is a nice bar. Great music, all types seem to play, and the dance floor is nice and big as well. She's dying to dance, but no way by herself. After the first drink she orders an ice water.

Since she must drive back to the resort, one drink is her limit. Besides, she doesn't do the whole getting drunk thing, it's just not her. Several guys try to send her drinks, which she kindly refused.

After the second water she decided it's been long enough since the one drink, that she was ok to leave. Outside she handed the ticket to the valet and waited for the car.

He leaves to get it and as she's standing there, gets the same tingling feeling on back of her neck. The one where the hairs stand on end. Looking around but there isn't anyone there.

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