Chapter 6

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Just then a popular song came on that they had their own little dance routine for. They hit the floor and rock it! She can't remember last time she felt so happy and free!

Too long, that's for sure. After a few songs she went to the bar to place another drink order.

"Tearing it up I see! What can I get you sweetheart?" The bartender asked.

"Ice water, Rum and Coke, Margarita, and umm a sex on the beach." She said blushing red all over her face.

She's so going to kill Gabbi. She knew she asked for that drink just to embarrass her! He simply grinned and winked at her.

"Coming right up, and I take it the Sex on the Beach is for your hot blonde friend?" He asked.

Rayna agreed that it was for her friend. After he made the drinks, she headed back to the table to give everyone their drink. She kept telling herself, don't look, just refuse to look at Liam. Just don't do it, she kept saying, but who is she kidding, of course she looked!

He's already staring at her and raised an eyebrow and grinned at her. She blushed again like a schoolgirl, as she just got caught checking him out, again.

Liam's point of view. He noticed the guy and ladies with her tonight. He didn't like any guy being with her. Needing to know who he was he motioned for Karl to come over to him.

"Hey who's the guy with her tonight?" Liam asked.

"Oh, is someone jealous?" Karl asked.

Liam scowled and told him to cut the crap out and tell him if he knows who it is. Karl laughed and told him he had heard the guy call her sis. Liam immediately relaxed and is in a better mood.

"You know it's not a good idea to get involved with her." His buddy said.

"I know, but there's just something about her, she's different, I can't explain it, it's just a feeling I can't shake", Liam replied.

"Well, I hope you're right for both your sakes," Karl replied.

"I've seen you flirting with her, I know if she gave you the time of day you'd gladly accept", Liam snorted.

You're probably right, but doesn't mean I wouldn't be worried, considering." He replied.

"Touché my friend", Liam replied.

It's Christmas week and the whole week went pretty much like Monday. Christmas Eve is Friday. They decided to order an Uber to take them to the bar in case none of them are sober enough to drive when they leave the bar.

On special occasions Rayna has drunk more than her usual 1 drink maximum. Rayna bought matching outfits for her, Maddi, and Gabbi to wear. Pink for Gabbi, blue for Maddi, and gray for Rayna. Caleb wears a pair of khakis and a white t-shirt with tan canvas shoes.

He thinks he's a big-time ladies' man, and while he is very good looking, he's immature for his age. There's been way too many ladies in his past. Rayna has been very unapproving of it.

"I'm ready to party hardy!" Maddi smiled.

"Time to put some lucky lady out of her misery." Caleb laughed.

"Caleb, I'm warning you, do not embarrass me and do not make me have to hunt you down tonight!" Rayna warned.

Caleb just rolled his eyes at his sister. Gabbi replied something about him needing to grow up, but who is she to say anything? Gabbi's longest relationship was about 3 months. She goes through guys like Rayna goes through shoes.

"Time to get things heated up for my girl." Gabbi told Rayna.

"Absolutely NOT!!" Rayna told her quickly.

All week long she felt like she was in a love triangle. More of Mary watching Liam, and Liam watching her. Liam continued to flirt openly with Rayna and Mary continued to give her death stares. Mary had not even spoken a single word to Rayna all week.

Rayna decided tonight to continue to ignore the situation and enjoy being there with her family and bff and celebrating. They arrived at the bar and got their table. After the first night they sat there, it had a reserved placard on the table.

When they came in that next night the bartender had told them it was now reserved for them for whenever they came in. Caleb looked suspicious, Maddi looked curious, and Gabbi had a knowing smirk on her face.

"Hey sweetheart what can I get your group tonight?" The bartender asked.

"4 tequilas." Rayna replied.

"Woah, are we celebrating tonight?" he asked.

"Of course, its Christmas Eve, my favorite holiday!" Rayna replied excitedly.

He laughed, made her drinks and gave her his usual wink. "Come back soon."

Rayna picked up the drinks and took them to the table. Gabbi of course was still staring at the hot bartender. Caleb was busy scoping out the ladies. So Maddi met her halfway to help her with them when she noticed she was coming to the table.

"Ok let's get our drinks done, and our dance on! Tonight, is all about the party!" Rayna replied.

"Heck yeah, now you're talking." Maddi and Caleb say together. They often did that.

"You get it girl!" Gabbi laughed.

"O M G, really Gabbi?!" Rayna retorted.

A few drinks later, Rayna is feeling the alcohol buzz. She decided that's it for the drinks tonight for her anyway. She went to the bar to order herself a water and get the others drinks. They had just sat down from dancing to about 4 songs back-to-back.

The only empty spot is beside of Liam. Oh well she thinks, YOLO, right?! So she went and sat next to him to wait to place her order.

"I see you're finally back, what can I get ya sweetheart?" The bartender asked.

"Water, rum and coke, margarita, and sex on the beach." Rayna replied.

Dang Gabbi, Rayna thinks while blushing again. Beside her Liam chuckled. He thinks it's cute how she blushed when she asked for the sex on the beach drink. Clearly, it's not for her.

He leans over close to her ear and replies, "I'd like to help with that last request."

Her face turns at least 3 shades of red. Her mind goes totally blank. She doesn't even know how to reply to that. So, she thinks what would Gabbi say, knowing that kind of thinking will get her into trouble.

"Uhh, umm, really?" She asked.

"OH yeah." He grinned at her.

The bartender handed her the drinks and she quickly left and went back to the table. Her face still red.

Not even two minutes later she hears Gabbi say, "Don't look now but Mr. McHottie pants is on his way over. That man is F I N E. And so, H O T!" She spelled out.

Liam walked right up to Rayna. "Excuse me, would you like to dance?"

"Oh yeah she definitely would." Gabbi replied.

"Yeah sis, go dance with him." Maddi chimed in.

"Umm ok." Rayna stammered.

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