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I open my eyes slowly, they're heavy. It takes me a minute for my eyes to adjust to the bright room.

I'm sitting on a bed. I look over to my arm and see an IV. Ryan is laying his head next to it. His hand is on mine. He must've fell asleep holding it.

Bruce is also in the room. He's laying on the couch, also a sleep. What time is it?

I try to remember what had happened that led me here. Cafe... Bruce... crying...

I must've passed out from crying too hard, but why am I in the hospital?

I try to move my hands to grab my phone, but they're too weak. I physically can't move it.

I decide to wait, until Ryan wakes up. I stare at the ceiling for what seemed like an eternity, "hey" Ryan says waking up.

"Hi" I smile weakly.

"How are you feeling?" He holds my hand between his and caresses it with his thumb. It's a small move, but it made my stomach flutter.

"Im good." I try to move my hand again, but I can't. He realizes and shakes his head.

"Don't. You're too weak right now." He continues to caress my hand.

"What happened?"

"You blacked out yesterday whilst you were crying. After 10 minutes of you not waking up i took you to the hospital. We still dont know why you blacked out. He said he ran some tests while you were asleep, and that he'll tell us soon."

"That's never happened before" I pause before asking. "What time is it?"

He pulls out his phone, "it's 9:30 in the morning"

"Oh my god. It's the next day?" How was I asleep for this long...?

"Yeah." He says getting up, "I'm gonna go get the doctor". He leaves the room. I look over to Bruce and see him wide awake.

He's staring at me. "I'm sorry"

"This is your fault, you know that right?" I want to make him feel guilty.

"Yeah I know Alex, and I'm sorry"

"No, you can save the apology." Before he could even respond Ryan wakes in with the doctor.

"How are you feeling Alex?" The doctor asks with a slight smile on his face. It's kind of annoying.

"I've been better" I say with a weak laugh. "Any updates?"

"Okay so from what I've gathered here you have low iron levels, that's what caused you black out. You cried hard enough to cut off oxygen, that made you faint. It normally lasts for about a minute or two, but 10 minutes is a lot. There was nothing to make you gain consciousness again, because you didn't have enough food in your system, and that's very dangerous"

He pauses for a second to look at the paper he's about to give Ryan, "so I'm gonna give you injections and a couple of medications to help with your iron levels and give your body vitamins that it needs that you don't provide for it". He looks at Ryan. "I've talked with Mr. Corrigan here and he said he could give you the injections, so there won't be any need to go to the pharmacy. For the next few days all you need to do is lay in bed and rest."

I look at Bruce and anger is all over his face, "no school?" He asks.

"Unfortunately I don't think it's best for her to go to school right now. Give her body a few days to rest and for the medication to settle in, then she will be free to go" The doctor replies.

"Are there any substitutions for the injections? like pills or something" i ask.

The doctor shakes his head, "Unfortunately no, but they won't hurt since the needle itself is small. You're gonna take one in your arm everyday for a week"

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