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The movie still hasn't started yet, so I gather the courage to confess.

"Ryan" i say nervously.

"Yes princess"

"I've vaped a few times"


"I don't know... curiosity, but i have asthma so I don't do it a lot. I wanted to tell you, because I wanted to be honest, since I lied earlier."

"You have asthma?" As soon as he says that the movie starts. The theatre goes black.

I can tell he hesitates for a second before speaking, "wanna get out of here?"

I big smile forms on my face. "Yes"

He grabs my hand and we get out of the theatre. We exit the cinema and go towards the exit door. We're now greeted by a long flight of stairs going up.

"Ryan where are we going?"

He doesn't answer. We keep going up the stairs, until i get too tired to even catch my breath. "Wait" i say struggling to breath.

I get my inhaler out and take in a deep breath.

His face changes, "You alright?"

"Yeah yeah I just need to catch my breath for a second."

I get up and start going up the stairs again, "come here" he demands.

What the...


Out of nowhere, he scoops me up and carries me. "Ryan i can walk"

He completely ignores me and continues to go up the stairs. He's carrying me so effortlessly.

We finally made it to the last and final floor. He puts me down. "Thank you" I flash a smile.

He opens the door to reveal the buildings rooftop. All to ourselves.

"Oh my god". A heap of wind hits me, it's cold. I think he notices because he then takes of his blazer, and puts it over my shoulder.

I walk towards the ledge preparing to sit on it when he grabs my arm. "Not happening"

"Ugh". I sit on the floor and sits beside me. We sit in silence, but neither of us mind.

"What do you wanna do with your life, Alex?" His question catches me off guard, but I take a second to answer.

"I wanna go to college. Become a lawyer" I pause before adding, "it's my dream" I whisper.

He smiles, "i love that you have dreams, it's cute"

"Everybody has dreams. It's just a matter of how and are they gonna happen or no"

He stares at me with admiration. I keep staring at the sky. "What are your dreams?"

"I didn't have any"

I look at him, "what do you mean?"

He inhales a deep breath, "i was 17 living with my aunt. I hated living there. I hated the idea of going to college. I hated everything that was happening in my life. I was more than ready to move out the second i turned 18" He stops.

I put my hand on his and rub his palm. "And i did. I took money from my aunt and said I'd return it once i had my life settled out. She gave me 5000 dollars. I moved here and got a small apartment, but i had no idea what to do." "I started searching online about business and classes that would help me understand more. That's were I met Bruce. We met in class and he helped me understand everything."

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