Part One

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Your POV:

Graduation is just around the corner and honestly, I'm actually not really looking forward to it. I mean, you would think I'd be excited to leave this place, but nope. I'm actually going to miss it here. McKinley High. The place where I made some pretty cool friends and awesome memories. If only we could just have one more year at this school.

Anyways, I'm sitting outside of the school in the eating area waiting for my friends, Wendy, Jason, Kevin and Carrie to join me for lunch. While waiting, I pull out and open my sketchbook to resume a sketch I been working on. I like to draw. I guess you can say art is somewhat my main talent, especially when it comes to picking up a pencil.

I been applying to a few universities for the past few weeks. The main one I'm looking to get into is The University of Arts. That's been my dream university since middle school and I've always told my parents and friends how much it would mean to me to get into that school. If I don't get accepted into this place it's probably going to break my heart and make me cry. But at least I would have other universities to look forward to hearing from.

"Hey, girl," my best friend, Wendy finally joins me along with Jason, Kevin and Carrie.

"Hey, guys!" I greet back.

"What'cha workin' on this time?" Kevin ask, nodding towards my sketchbook.

"Oh, same thing I started yesterday. Wanna see what I got done so far?" I pick the book up to show my friends my incomplete work.

"Oh! Looks like it's coming out pretty nice," Wendy tells me. "Yeah, you sure got some pretty sick talent there, (y/n)," Jason adds.

"Thanks, guys," I smile, putting away my sketchbook.

I been thinking about making sketches of each of them as their goodbye gifts from me. It saddens me that I may never see these guys again after graduation but I at least would like to give them something to remember me by. I know what you're thinking. Why not hangout with them during the summer? We never really hung out together outside of school, not even during the weekend so I highly doubt we would do anything together after graduation.

All of our good memories is right here at McKinley High. If you saw the pictures in my cellphone you would see that they were all taken at the school and not outside of the school. Sometimes I wonder if we really are friends. We act like we are. We seem like we are. But are we really? Just the thought of it kind of brings me down.

"Hey, guys. Get a hold of freak show back there," Kevin grins, looking right pass me.

We all turn our heads to catch one of the goth kids staring in our direction. Ian McKinley. He seems to be looking directly at me, but he looks away before I could be a hundred percent sure. I see him a lot in the hallway and at lunchtime. I only have one class with him and that's American History. He usually sits on the opposite side of the classroom next to the window.

He barely talks to me or my friends, but when he do try to conversate with us it would usually be about uninteresting shit like death or society. Sometimes he would insert himself in our conversations out of nowhere with these topics and it's usually weird as hell. He's not a bad guy in all, it's just that half the crap that comes out of his mouth sometimes makes me a little uncomfortable to be in his presence. I'm trying to live and enjoy life to the fullest, not think about death and eventually dying.

"(Y/n)." I turn my head, looking at my friends. "Huh," I answer as they all make chuckling sounds.

"Dude, were you just drooling over McKinley?" Kevin ask. "You were staring at him a little too long." I shoot him the middle finger.

"Anyways, I was asking if you're still going to the McKinley Park, tomorrow night," Wendy says. Every senior who will be graduating out of McKinley High will be there and everyone is excited about it. I haven't really been looking forward to it, because I'm not really interested in theme parks or carnivals. I'm more of a homebody person. But my friends are the only reason why I'm going. Plus, Wendy wouldn't stop begging me to go.

"For sure," I tell her. "You guys going there together, right?"

"Yeah. You sure you don't want to catch a ride with us?" Carrie ask. "You did say you been having issues with your car, lately."

"I'll be fine," I tell her. "I'm gonna take it to the shop today after school to get it looked at so it should be fine by tomorrow afternoon at least."

"Kay, well, if anything comes up just give me a call," Kevin tells me. "I'll have room for one more."

"I'll be sure to take you up on that," I say, giving him a fist bump. Kevin can be an ass sometimes, but at least he's a good friend.

Jason starts talking about all the stuff he wants to do tomorrow night at McKinley Park. One of the activities being getting to ride the Devil's Flight rollercoaster. I definitely don't like rollercoasters and neither does Wendy, but I guess I'm willing to make tomorrow night an exception as apart of celebration and making new memories with my friends.

As my friends talk amongst themselves, I get this feeling that someone is watching. I turn my head to look over my shoulders and as I suspected, he's staring in our direction again. Only this time, it's me he's looking at. And this time he doesn't even care enough to look away. I stare at him for a few more seconds before turning my head to look away.

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