Part Four

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Your POV:

I'm at a diner, munching on some fries in my disappointment state. My dad drove me to the auto shop about an hour ago to pick up my car. The mechanic had an unfortunate family emergency yesterday, so he wasn't able to finish the work on my car in order for it to be ready for me by the time that I was told yesterday. So now I have to wait until tomorrow to get my car back, which means I have no way of getting to the annual McKinley Park tonight.

And before you tell me to take up Kevin on his offer, I already tried that. Apparently, he decided to allow one of our classmates, Lewis Romero to ride with them tonight, leaving no room for me in the car and basically abandoning me at the time of my need. Just great.

Everyone will be at the park except me. Oh well. Maybe I can catch up on some episodes of Pretty Little Liars on Netflix tonight while eating leftover lasagna from last night. At least I'll have the house to myself tonight. Dad will be working late tonight and mom will be out of the house for girl's night out with her friends, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bummed about my situation.

"(Y/n)?" I look up from my plate, seeing Ian standing over my table. "Ian. Hey," I greet him. "What are you doing here?"

He chuckles, looking around the diner. "Gee, I don't know. What do people usually do when they come to a diner?"

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. "Very funny."

He sits down on the opposite side of the table. Even though I don't recall inviting him to join me, but hey, whatever. I guess I could use the company.

"Are you excited about the park tonight?" he ask. That would be the first thing he wants to talk about, huh?

I shrug my shoulders while stirring a fry in the small pile of ketchup on my plate. "How can I be? I won't be going."

"What do you mean you're not going?" he ask. "We were just talking about this yesterday in the hardware store. And besides, the only reason why I'm going is because of you."

I look at him, smiling. My smile immediately turns to a frown as I look down at my plate. "I don't have a way of getting there. I was suppose to get my car from the auto shop today, but the mechanic was unable to work on my car yesterday due to an emergency he had with his family. And on top of that, I was suppose to use Kevin giving me a ride in his car as plan B, but that won't be happening either." I sigh, finally putting the ketchup-covered fry into my mouth.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that," Ian says.

I shrug. "It's whatever, I guess."

"Well, if you want you're more than welcome to ride with me," he offers.

I look at him. "Really? I mean, no. You don't have to do that. I'll be fine. Really." He looks disappointed in my response. "Besides, I would hate for you to have to waste more of your gas because of me."

"It's not problem," he insists.

"Ian, seriously. You don't have to do that," I continue to argue.

"(Y/n). Please. It's no problem." I look down, realizing his hands are touching mines. He quickly removes them when he realizes it himself. I look up, catching him blushing as he looks away from me while he rubs the back of his neck. I look down at the table, smiling to myself.

He clears his throat. "Seriously, (y/n). It's no problem."

I start to think about it. Although, I'm not really big on carnivals it would be nice to do something exciting with my friends. And besides, riding in the same vehicle with Ian? That could be a great time to bond with him and for us to get to know each other better since we hardly talked in school or outside of school. I look at him, seeing a pleading look on his face. "Please?" he pleads, giving me the pouty look. Rolling my eyes, I finally say, "Fine." I watch and laugh as he happily claps his hands. Adorable.

"You know, I think I'm gonna treat myself to a burger to celebrate," he smiles. He calls over the same waitress that served me. As he puts in his order, I pull out my cell phone to text Wendy, letting her know that I will be able to make it to the park tonight after all.

Wendy: Kool see you 2nite! : )

I smile, putting my phone away.

(An hour later)

After killing some time at the diner, Ian was kind enough to give me a ride home. During our time at the diner, we talked and laugh. We learned about each other's likes and dislikes. I even told him that I like to sketch and that I been applying to a few universities for art. He was impressed and asked to see my work. I told him that I would bring my sketchbook out with me when he picks me up tonight. I learned that Ian likes to play guitar and is interested in writing poems. However, he doesn't see himself in furthering his education after high school graduation. In fact, he plans on becoming a full time employee at the hardware store. I mean, hey, it's better than not doing anything at all with your life. Plus, he wants to save up enough money to get his own place, in which he is already off to a start, according to him.

He asked about me being single and if there was a guy I'm interested in. I told him no and that I was never really looking into getting into a relationship. When I asked him the same question, his response was that no girl in their right mind would give a guy like him not even a single glance. Hearing that kind of made me felt awful because after learning so much about Ian I realize that he's not really that bad of a guy and that he's just misunderstood. He's actually pretty cool and nice once you get to know him really well.

Anyways, I'm actually pretty glad that I was able to hold a conversation with him today. A normal one and not some weird ass one that would usually make my friends and me walk away. The conversation back at the diner was pretty nice and chill. It kind of makes me look forward to seeing him again tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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