Chapter 1(moving again).

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Yhup!.. it's happening again!

We're moving from here. This is literally out 6th move in 1month.

I mean, it's because of me. Tiberah.

Honestly I don't know why I was given that godforsaken name because first!.. it sounds ancient.

Second it means "wolf if fire" .

Ha! Big laffs. Such an irony.
I hate wolves.

I had witnessed the death of my parents in the hands or better still fangs of wolves.

Ten years earlier.

Yeah don't give me that look of pity this is why I hate telling sob stories.

So back to the storyline, since then I've been having nightmares and my elder brother came up with a weird theory that the area triggered the past because it was not safe blah blah crap and fuckery like that.

My elder sister seconded the opinion and I didn't care honestly I just wanted to lead a peaceful and stressful life so I went ahead with whatever they said.

So... Here we are again on the road to the 6th colony.

Yunno I always wondered why it was called a colony too.
It sounded like a wolf pack or something.

What? Yeah stare at me all you want. I'm a traumatized person jeez!
So much for trying to be friendly.

To be really honest, I hope I don't have any more nightmares.
I'm tired of moving. Just when you're trying to settle in, get used to shit, boom! We're on the road maybe to Alaska this time.

Ryan said something about making.. what's that word they called it?.… Oh yeah friends. Brrrr saying it makes a shiver run down my spine. Not the good one.

I hate people's company. I prefer my own solace thank you very much.

A week later.....

About a week later I had gotten accustomed to colony 6. Yeah I know right a week. No nightmares. God was I a happy little bastard.

"Vee!! Vee!! Violetta!!" I screamed down my elder sister name.
She appeared in seconds. She was very fast on her feet that I can tell you. Used to win awards all the time in school.

She looked me up and down. "You good?. Her long hair cascaded down her back. A very talk person too. As a younger sister I was proud.

"Yeah Ryan said he found a school??..."
I said trying to see if he did actually.

Nodding she put her hair behind her ears"yhup you begin tomorrow "

"I looked at her like she left her sense of reasoning in the bedroom. "Uh excuse me.. nobody asked for my opinion in this??! How am I supposed to start tomorrow??!!!"

Sighing she said as she put my hair in place. "You know once Ryan speaks i can't change it. You'll do great I promise."

I rolled my eyes. "What? You guys are like 1hr apart sheesh..."

I walked away. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

At the palace....

"Dracon! Get down here this instant!!"  The alpha king bellowed in rage.

About five minutes passed and Dracon had not still appeared. Luna sihilia knew trouble was brewing.

The alpha king never uses his mouth to summon a person. He rather mind linked the person. Apparently Dracon had shut his father out

15 minutes later he came into view.
The alpha king looked at him eyes full of anger but voice as calm as a brook.

He yawned and said "nowhere dad Jesus!"

Luna sihilia looked at Dracon sharply."change that tone young man!"

Dracon winced.
Mother hardly gets mad. When she is she is dangerous.

The alpha king sighed. "It seems no amount of grounding or punishment would make you sober. Since you don't want to stop seeing that uncultured girl.. that.. that.. scarhead or whatever you call her!  

Fine then. I'd give you a chance to see her well"

Dracon ears perked up, he looked at his father in curiosity. Waiting to hear what his father had to say.

"You graduated a year ago. You are going back to school to start the lykos year from the start! That way you'll learn your manners if you're sitting with your junior subjects!"

Dracon looked at his father in horror. But the alpha king was far beyond finishing. "You're starting tomorrow!".

Dracon stood up in alarm "but father this us preposterous I...."

The alpha king Interrupted "and so my verdict stands!.."

His voice had changed and his eyes were yellow. Devon was at the edge of coming out. Devon was his father's wolf. Devon was not nice. Dracon knew when to shut up.

He knew it was over for him.



Hiiiii 😊😊

Oh my gosh it's just the first chapter and we've got so many things going on!!

Dracon is spoilt!! Tiberah is really um.. cold 🙂. Yeah definitely not a smiler.

I think I'm attracted to the alpha king 🤭🤭😩😂.
Anyways see y'all in the next chapter.

I love you ❤️.
Jah bless 🥰

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