Chapter 2 (when ice meets fire).

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The next day was crazy. The whole school had heard of Dracon's return to school. Especially the girls.

They had also been given orders that a human was joining them and they should not show their traits.

The girls were going loco. Most of them went to shorten their skirts, some had their hair dyed to his favorite color ice blue, some outrageous ones wrote marry me on their cards.

Flashback to yesterday.....

"Broooo the alpha king really did a number on you didn't he" Maynard said ruffling his hair.

Dracon had called his four friends over, the only friends his father actually approved of only because he knew all their parents and their status.

All alpha's have a beta, since Dracon was going to become an alpha king one day, maynard was assigned to be his beta.

Maynard's father was the beta to the king.

Kyle's father was a delta. He is the prime minister to the alpha. So Kyle is a Delta

Trevor's father was the chief commander of the army of wolves.
Trevor.... Doesn't have any interest in becoming any of that. His father has not had time for him yet.

"You guys have to help me" Dracon said in frustration.

Kyle looked at Dracon like he lost his marbles. "Um.. so you're literally asking us to go against the alpha's orders? Great!.... Yh I'm out!"

Dracon shook his head. "No dumbass, I'm not telling you to do that, I don't want to die young too. I'm saying you should follow me back to school."

"Uh excuse you?" Trevor asked in disbelief.

Maynard and Kyle couldn't argue. They knew they were to obey the alpha prince it was their duty right from start. They were not bothered. It sounded fun.

When Trevor saw they were all giving him the look he raised his hands in defeat. "Urgh! Fine!.. Jesus".

Back to the present......

Ryan dropped Tiberah at school and told her "hey?.. when you're done call me. Anything goes wrong call me. You feel funny call me. Anybody tells you anything call me. If...."

Tiberah cut him short "Ryan! I'll be fine I'm not a baby"

Ryan sighed he knew. She was getting old too fast. "You'll always be my baby" he hugged her. Tiberah took in that big brother smell and hugged him tighter. She couldn't deny she loved Ryan more.

Breaking the hug" ok Ryan run along now.. bye" she said. Left to him he could follow her to her class. No way she was letting that happen. He pecked her and drove off waving.

Looking around she wanted to see if anyone witnessed the embarrassing moment. Nobody? Good! Now off we go. She thought.

Walking towards the school she started hearing screams and shrieks. Was everything okay?

She got closer and immediately the screams stopped everyone was looking at her. They all smelled her scent. They understood she was human.

She was wondering why they were looking at her but was unfazed.

The screaming continued. Tiberah got to the spot they all were, she was walking past but also wanted to see the reason for the commotion.

Then she saw him. They were screaming because of a boy? A boy??. I mean yes he was hot but a boy?! She hated people like him because they were vainglorious.

She was walking by when someone bumped into her and the person in behind her.
She turned around and saw that the girl had lost her glasses and she couldn't see without them.

The other girl she bumped into pulled her up with her hair. Tiberah frowned.
"Hey watch where you're going freak" the bully said.

Tiberah knew she shouldn't be getting involved but she just hated the sight of bullies. Bending down she picked up the frightened girl books and moved closer to the bully

"Yo! Give her glasses back to her and let her go.. she didn't mean it"

The shivering girl was alarmed. She whispered to Tiberah in alarm "no no run along I'll be fine. Don't get involved please"

The bully moved closer to Tiberah and said "the fuck you think you're talking to?!"

Tiberah sighed in boredom. "Okay how about you tell me your name"

The girl chuckled in amusement." Fine I'm Scarlette" she expected Tiberah to go wide-eyed and apologize but she just put in a blank face and nodded.

In a swift movement Tiberah collected the glasses from Scarlette and gave it to the girl. She whispered to her " c'mon get out of here, I'll take care of things "

The girl scampered away in fear.

By now Scarlette was fuming. Tiberah cleared gee throat. " Well nice to meet you scar see ya around " she turned back to go. She had not gone far when Scarlette screamed. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!".

By now the whole school was watching. Even Dracon looked in curiosity.

Tiberah didn't stop walking. Scarlette without thinking rushed towards her, placed her hands on Tiberah's shoulder about to turn her around when she held Scarlette's hand and flung her over her shoulders to the ground.

A cracking sound was heard and Scarlette screamed.
Dracon blinked in surprise. Kyle's jaw was in the ground.

Everybody was stonecold shocked.

Tiberah dusted her shoulder as though Scarlette had sprinkled particles in it. She looked down blankly and said coldly. " If you ever try to pull me like that again, you'll not be leaving with only a broken arm. You want to come for me do it in the front, never at the back and then we'll see how it goes"

She walked away leaving everyone in awe.

At the cafeteria.....

By break, the whole school had heard of the new girl who had the guts to beat Scarlette the alpha prince girl.

They all wondered that if she found out who she was and what they were she would still have courage.

Some people argued yes. Some said no.

Dracon saw her pass by him and said in a cold voice " hey you stop where you are"

Tiberah looked back with one eyebrows raised. It was the princess boy. What did he want.

"The girl you hit was MY girl you have anything to say?

Tiberah sighed. "Listen princess, hold your girl on a leash or I'll do it myself.. "

She walked away leaving Dracon in anger and at the same time awe.

Kyle snorted. "Broo she called you princess"

Maynard put his hands on Dracon's shoulder saying. "Ice say hello to fire"


Holy molly!😱😱
Tiberah is so cool. I love love her.😫
Dracon she was on fire and you got burned.😂
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Jah bless ❤️❤️

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