Chapter 20

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Looking at the overlapping shadows of the two, Huo YanXiao pressed between his brows. Nie AnAn was very happy today as she was able to find some rare ingredients, which was why neither she nor Ji YunChuan noticed Huo YanXiao until they were 5 meters away.

"Big brother." Her eyes beamed right away and she ran up toward him. The inexplicable annoyance that he was feeling suddenly mostly dissipated when the girl ran in front of him. Huo YanXiao looked down at the small beads of sweat on her forehead and asked, "Did you just go get groceries?"

"Mm." Nie AnAn nodded before she turned, waved at Ji YunChuan, and introduced the two of them. "Big brother, this is Ji YunChuan, the nutritionist of the other team. YunChuan, this is my brother Huo YanXiao."

Ji YunChuan was going to shake hands with Huo YanXiao but then quickly realized that he has bags in both of his hands, so he gave Huo YanXiao a very bright smile and said, "Greetings, Huo-ge!" Huo YanXiao merely nodded nonchalantly and still has his usual distant look on his face.

That didn't seem to bother Ji YunChuan at all. He asked again, "Huo-ge, have you done your drawing yet? Which inn will you be staying at?" "Yun Lai," Huo YanXiao was a man of few words.

"Oh! What a coincidence! We are on the same team." Ji YunChuan smiled and waved with the ingredients in his hands. "You two want to catch up? I'll go and put the stuff away." After he had said that, he turned to Nie AnAn and said, "AnAn, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Nie AnAn nodded as well. "Okay, see you tomorrow! She then turned her attention from Ji YunChuan back to Huo YanXiao and said, "Big brother, do you have any plans for tonight?" "No." The man's tone was even keeled but his face was much more tender than it usually was under the warm setting sun. "This town is very pretty. Would you like to go for a walk after dinner?" asked Nie AnAn. "Alright." Huo YanXiao nodded. Nie AnAn pointed over at Yue Lai Inn and said, "I should head back now, big brother."

Seeing that she was about to turn around and walk away, Huo YanXiao reached out his hand and rubbed her on her head. All of a sudden, the girl looked up, her eyes were full of smiles. There were dancing stars in her eyes when she was looking at him. Huo YanXiao took his hand back and said, "I'll see you later then." He then turned around and walked away.

Nie AnAn couldn't shake the feeling that Huo YanXiao didn't seem very happy earlier but that went away quickly. She shook her head and stopped worrying about it. She walked inside the inn in a hurried pace to prepare for dinner.

Inside the lobby area, Qin ZiMing had already changed and was playing games with the other guests. Almost all the guests were young people, so the atmosphere was very lively. Qin ZiMing had just lost a round and was standing up for the punishment portion when Nie AnAn stepped inside.

Everybody was trying to come up with ideas for punishing him when they saw Nie AnAn. They waved at her and said, "AnAn! C'mon over. We got a great opportunity for you!" As soon as Nie AnAn walked over, Zhang ZhouYu elaborated, "AnAn, Young Master Qin had just lost in an interactive game and we couldn't come up with an idea for punishment. Now that you are here, why don't you come up with something?"

Nie AnAn seemingly thought of something when she heard that and subconsciously looked over at Le ManGe. Le ManGe was looking at her just like everybody else, as though the one in question wasn't her boyfriend and that she wasn't holding any grudges about all that that had happened online earlier.

"I..." Nie AnAn looked a little hesitant and said, "What if the punishment is too severe for Mr. Qin and he got upset?" Qin ZiMing looked at the girl in front of her. She had on a one-piece dress and was pure and soft like a piece of white paper. Even the hesitation on her face looked genuine, as though she truly didn't want him to be punished because she was such a nice person. He snickered to himself, "uh huh".

From one side, Chen Yanshu smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, AnAn. It's a game, anything goes! Young Master Qin won't get upset over something like that!" "Oh, alright," Nie AnAn acted like she was forced into it and then quickly said, "Wait for me. Let me go get the tool." Having said that, she ran into the kitchen. When she returned, she had a wooden spoon in her hand.

Under everyone's puzzled look, Nie AnAn walked in front of Qin ZiMing and said, "Mr. Qin, I am going to administer the punishment now." When she finished saying that, she stood on her tip toes and quickly hit Qin ZiMing on his head three times with the wooden spoon. Everybody was dumbfounded.

Nie AnAn had already stood back on her feet. Smiling, she said, "Okay, I am done punishing him." Chen Yanshu was the first to recollect herself. She chuckled and said, "AnAn, that was such a cute punishment! Why did it remind me of how the monk punished the monkey in the book 'Journey to the West'?"

"Was AnAn trying to help Young Master Qin gain enlightenment with the wooden spoon?" "Eh, why do I feel that AnAn was hinting at Young Master Qin to meet her at the kitchen at 3 AM for cooking lessons?"

As everyone was chatting and laughing, Nie AnAn had already returned to the kitchen and Qin ZiMing to his seat. Where she had hit him was still hurting. Earlier, when the girl was standing in front of him and lifted the wooden spoon, he could clearly see the innocence in her eyes. That was emotionless innocence, as though he wasn't even a living object standing in front of her. It was very different than the way she used to look at him.

She had her tattoos removed. Along with her tattoos, it seemed even her fondness and passions for him had been removed. That very moment, Qin ZiMing was certain that she meant it when she said she was no longer interested in him. Exactly because she was no longer fond of him, she didn't gauge her force. He was stunned by the second strike. So stunned that he had forgotten to dodge when the third one fell. Which was why when he sat down, he was still very out of it. So much that he didn't even hear Le ManGe calling out to him.

Meanwhile, Nie AnAn was washing the wooden spoon in the kitchen. Her obsessive-compulsive disorder forced her to wash it three times with dishwashing fluid, baking soda, and salt, respectively, before she felt that it had been thoroughly cleaned. She hit Qin ZiMing quite hard intentionally earlier. But she wasn't certain of the original owner's strength, so she didn't hit him too hard.

Yet, Nie AnAn was very pleased when she saw the stunned look on Qin ZiMing. That was his punishment for bullying the original owner! Nie AnAn has always been very efficient. It wasn't long before food was ready on the table. This was the first time Qin ZiMing sat down and properly had Nie AnAn's delicacies. One bite was all it took for him to join the rank of food fighters. On the streaming channel end, the text screen has also gone mad.

"Oh! The streaming today was so awesome! I would like to be hit by Nie AnAn three times too! I want to learn how to cook also!" "To the last poster: If you can't get in on Nie AnAn's side, please come over to Far East Culinary School! Contact number is as below: ..." "Look quickly! Young Master Qin has been conquered by Nie AnAn's cooking as well!"

"Wasn't there rumor that said Nie AnAn was fond of Young Master Qin? Hah! What faceslapping! I never noticed Nie AnAn so much as glancing over at Young Master Qin's direction except when she was dishing out the punishment earlier!" "Hey! Look quickly at the streaming from the other inn! I just saw AnAn's brother! He's super hot!" "Oh yeah? Oh yeah? We are going to take a look now!"

All of a sudden, a large crowd logged into Yun Lai's streaming channel. "The face fans are over here to check in!" "OMG! Huo-gege is so hot! He could pass as a male god!" "Huo-gege never smiled even once the entire time! That's what a true classy and distant male god should look like! Exactly my type!" "Exactly! Exactly! Huo-gege is like a very cool statue. Oh, what I wouldn't do for a god-like brother like him!" "There's no need to smile, or interact with other guests, Huo-gege. All we need is just to look at you!"

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