Chapter 47

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Qin ZiMing had no idea why Nie AnAn asked about the weather, but he responded right away, "Mhmm. Thunderstorm. But I've checked and no flights were cancelled. I'll book you a ticket. Just come over as soon as possible."

"No need," replied Nie AnAn. "That will not be necessary." "Nie AnAn!" Qin ZiMing sneered. "I had misjudged you." He carried on, "It was all a show when you were chasing after me too, wasn't it? And now, your cruel attitude toward Huo YanXiao also made me feel that I have underestimated you." Nie AnAn's fingers were twisted together and her voice unhappy. "I didn't say I won't go! I don't need you to book my ticket for me! If I am going, I can book my own ticket."

Qin ZiMing seemed to have relaxed right away. Immediately after that, he said, "Let me send you the location of his room in the hospital." She hung up the phone and went back into the theater. Next to her, Nie ChengFeng asked, "What's the matter, AnAn?" "Nothing, Brother. Let's keep watching the movie," said Nie AnAn as she looked at the screen.

She wanted to go, but she couldn't. It was all Qin ZiMing's people over there. There was nothing she could do there, except maybe mess up Huo YanXiao's plans. Qin ZiMing was so certain of himself because he didn't know that Huo YanXiao was rebirthed. It never occurred to Qin ZiMing or Mrs. Qin that this could all be a trap.

What she needed to do was to trust in her Big Brother and that's all. At the same time, the rain came down heavier and heavier over at City Hai. Qin ZiMing and Qin Hai were talking in the waiting room of the hospital. Huo YanXiao was still inside the ICU and Mrs. Qin was talking to the doctor in the hallway. Inside the waiting room, Qin ZiMing said, "Dad, I have already notified sister-in-law."

Qin Hai glanced over at Qin ZiMing, and seemed to be surprised by the way he referred to Nie AnAn. He kept his speculation hidden. Qin Hai took a deep breath and tried to suppress the anger that was rising in him. Huo YanXiao had gotten sick immediately after he had acknowledged him as his son and right before he rewrote his will at that. That had effectively eliminated any possibility of Huo YanXiao inheriting anything at all.

Plus, once Huo YanXiao was dead, not only would he lose the ability to inherit the Qin's, any assets belong to the Huo's would also be divided up as inheritance. Even though Huo YanXiao had married Nie AnAn, as long as he didn't have a will or transfer his assets, then part of his assets would also belong to the Qin's. And Qin Hai would only have one son left. It was only too obvious who'd be the final winner of it all.

Qin Hai understood all of that, but he also understood that there really was nothing he could do about Qin ZiMing! After all, if Huo YanXiao died, Qin ZiMing would be his only son remaining. What could he possibly do? See to it that Qin ZiMing paid for his crime? Then who'd inherit everything from him?

Qin Hai knew very well about the said virus. The Qin's invested in biotechnology in South America back in the days for two reasons. One of them was because of the profiteering in this field and the other was because Qin ZiMing got sick a lot when he was a kid and so the family had looked into the biotechnology area. And they have kept the business since. It was only until after Huo YanXiao had rejoined the Qin's that the preparation was stolen from the laboratory and trafficked back to China.

Qin Hai knew all about it. A lot of his hair turned white overnight. He never thought that at 50 years of age, he'd be watching his two sons plotting against each other for his inheritance. Especially his son who has been mild and calm in front of him the entire time. He hadn't expected to see this side of him when money was involved!

The rain came down even heavier and the sky got darker. Everything was drenched by the rain. As the night arrived, lightning upon lightning were like scissors cutting open the black veil in the sky. Thunderous roars ensued, putting even more pressure on the already suppressed air. The room to the ICU was finally opened, and Huo YanXiao was pushed out. He had on him an isolator and also an oxygen mask.

His eyes were closed and his face was pale. After being in the ICU for a few days, there were stubbles on his cheeks and neck, making him look haggard and gaunt. He was moved into an isolation ward. Outside of his room, Qin Hai and the others had already changed into their isolation suits before they walked inside of his room. Looking at his sickly son, Qin Hai's eyes misted up, but finally he resorted to a deep, long sigh.

He didn't say a word the entire time. Even just looking at him was like a torture to him. After all, Huo YanXiao was only in his current state because of Qin ZiMing and him. Knowing full well that it was his wife and younger son who had done something to harm his older son, he had no choice except to remain silent. He ran out of the room as though something was chasing behind him. Once he was outside, he leaned against the hallway and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Inside the room, there was only Qin ZiMing and Mrs. Qin left. Even with the isolation suit, Mrs. Qin still didn't dare get too close to Huo YanXiao. Frowning slightly, she has a look of disgust on her. She looked at Huo YanXiao like he was some sort of virus trash. "Mom, I am fine staying here by myself," said Qin ZiMing to Mrs. Qin. "Your body is weak. You don't want to get infected." Mrs. Qin shook her head. "No, I will watch from over here. I will only feel relieved when I see with my own eyes that he stopped breathing."

Hearing that, Qin ZiMing felt that his mother was a bit too blatant in her words. But then, looking at how Huo YanXiao looked and the ECG machine that was almost showing a flatline, he laughed and said, "Mom, you are being too careful. Look at him, do you think he can still come back to life?" Having said that, he walked over to Huo YanXiao one step at a time. He even leaned over him so his face only hovered barely over that of Huo YanXiao's.

"Huo YanXiao," said Qin ZiMing in his cold voice. "I bet you never thought this could happen to you, huh?" His tone was filled with sarcasm. His normally gentle look now covered with maliciousness. "How does it feel to be infected by this virus? You look like you are in a lot of pain." Qin ZiMing chuckled softly. Looking at the frown on Huo YanXiao's face and the painful look on him, his smile brightened more. "I hand picked this virus for you. It was custom-made for you. It's called 'Four-Day Poison'."

He explained to Huo YanXiao kindly. "It sounds right out of a wuxia novel, doesn't it? Exactly, it meant anyone infected by it would die in four days. Let me see, it'd be four days by tonight. I must say though, you've got a good body and really lasted all four days!" At that very moment, lightning struck across the sky and the thunderous roar that followed seemed to have tore open the atmosphere.

Huo YanXiao opened up his eyes suddenly as though he had just come back to live. Qin ZiMing was startled by how his eyes opened all of a sudden but he calmed down quickly. Looking at the man staring at him with his eyes wide-open from the bed, Qin ZiMing was filled with pride in that instant. "Hah, so what if you are a genius in business? You are going to die right here, right now! Look around. You don't even have a friend nearby when you die. The only ones here are your enemies. And that sister of yours, I am talking about your wife. Where is she now? I called her earlier today. She said she would come, but nope, she isn't here. I don't think she cares about you at all. And you've raised her for 17 years. BWAHAHA!"

"What a pity. I was just thinking that since you two had been together for so many years, I was going to send her on her way with you. We wouldn't want you to be too lonely now, would we? But her not coming is truly stifling my creativity." Qin ZiMing looked regretful when he talked. But his smile returned before long. "But that's alright. We've got time. Who could say what will happen in the future? Perhaps she'd catch the flu from being 'too devastated' and die in a couple days."

Hearing that, Huo YanXiao's eyes were filled with hatred. He seemed like he wanted to get up but wasn't able to move at all. Inside the ward, an ear-piercing alarm went off, as if to announce that the patient was about to pass. Qin ZiMing rose up bit by bit. Inside his eyes, there was the look of victory. "Look, Huo YanXiao. It's not just the Qin's, even your Huo's will be mine in the future!"

At this very moment, on some streaming platform, someone casually logged into a room and discovered startling news. There were tens of millions of users on this streaming platform and quite a few of the users entered into this room by chance. None of the ones that wandered into the room left. In fact, they immediately forwarded it to their friends' circles and Weibo.

Immediately, the number of users in the room went from dozens to hundreds. In the span of just 10 or so minutes, the number rose to tens of thousands and the numbers continued to climb exponentially.

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