23. Berry Mousse Cake

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"Tyler and Bea." I swallowed and picked up my plate, noticing that my hands were shaking and Bea was half hiding behind my back.

I set the plate on the desk and winced under their hard stare.

"So what's this?" Matt asked.

"It's-" My eyes followed Tony's and Cheng's hand as they took a bite out of it.

My heart constricted as Tony assessed it and his next words shattered my heart,
"Are you kidding me?"

Heat bloomed on my face as I stumbled with my words. I had taken part in so many competitions that I had learned to take criticism well. But this was different, considering that this would broadcast everywhere. How shallow my thinking was became clear as soon as I thought that.

It didn't matter. I was here, that mattered. I would not break down.

"It can't be that awful," Matt said picking up a spoonful of cake, "She's already crying."

"I am not crying!" My voice came back full force, and I flashed my eyes at them. Their surprise gazes gave me confidence and the next words flew out of my mouth as if I had rehearsed them a hundred times.

"First love. That's what this cake is about," I spoke with authority and Bea relaxed beside me, giving a polite smile.

"The first layer is of strawberry gelatin. It's sweet, in the same way as the happiness one feels when they like someone. Strawberry has a bitterness to it underneath the the sweet flavour followed by a slight sour flavor. It gives a unique texture in the mouth, just like the feelings of your first love.

"I went with this flavor because it's like the nature's love, it makes your taste buds fall in love with it and makes you want to you to keep eating it. The second layer is a white chocolate mousse. Pure as true love, melting in the mouth like it is made of wispy air. I used milk instead of the whipped cream to make it lighter and creamier.

"Third layer is the base. What love is essentially made of. It's solid, eatable. But leaves a bittersweet taste as it goes. Because first love just remains that. First love." I finished with a whisper, opening my eyes.

Somewhere in between I had closed them, losing in my own bittersweet memories. First love, yes, this cake depicted it flawlessly. I could almost feel the texture of the cake on my tongue and as I looked at the bemused expressions of the judges, all the tension filled my body again.

Did I just weird them out? Hopefully not.

"I told you, she's a keeper," Matt whispered at Tony and I watched their exchange in growing nervousness. They had yet to decide their verdict and I couldn't start my first round on a bad note.

"Well when I said 'Are you kidding me' I meant how did you manage to capture the emotion so immaculately?" Tony leaned forward towards me, his hand on the table corners. "Matt and you took it a little differently, but boy what an explanation."

His glinting grey eyes assessed me with interest and a huge grin broke out on my face.

"You mean I did good?" I said the words slowly as if trying to explain that to myself.

"Well if this--," Tony picked up another mouthful of cake and shoved it inside his mouth, "is not enough--" His next words cut off abruptly, as I squealed in excitement and gave him a bear crushing hug across the counter, which he returned with a laugh.

"She's a feisty one!" Tony said as I pulled back and at once crushed Bea for a hug.

"Yes we liked your 'First Love Cake', Tyler and Bea. Well done." We both celebrated our good review and got back to our counter. A huge weight lifted off my chest. Chances of getting in the bottom three were very slim.

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