47.5: A Sherry Trifle For You

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The knife scraped the plate, and my hand froze. I glanced down to see that I had been cutting the same piece of steak for the past minute. It looked horrendous; bile rose up my throat at the sight of meat. Tears pooled my eyes, but I willed them away.

I'm Bella Roussel, I don't cry. My teeth gritted together, and I glared at Francis sitting across me. He'll marry me, yet he doesn't know I am a vegetarian.

"Excuse me," he said, wiping his mouth with the napkin, and looking at his phone. I watched as he smiled at his phone, replying to a message. My eyes travelled to my own phone, and Giulia's name flashed on the screen. I maintained a straight expression, even though my hand itched to pick up the call. HIs words drew my attention. "I'll be back in a second."

Francis stood up, and I narrowed my eyes at him. As soon as he was out of sight, I picked up my phone. "Giulia," I breathed into the phone.

I briefly wondered if this was how my life would be. Hiding and whispering, putting on the front of liking each other. We were barely adults, yet the high society had sucked us into its web.

"How is it going?" she spoke in French, and her voice had a calming effect on me.

"I don't know. We are barely talking." My eyes landed on his phone lying just within my reach. I didn't think twice and picked it up.

"Don't you think we should tell him?" Giulia asked, but I didn't reply. That should be the right path, but was it the best one?

"Giulia... I think I've got something." My thumb remained glued to his phone as I read his recent text messages repeatedly. I whispered, "We could be right."


From the hindsight, I saw Francis coming back. "Not now." Without any guilty conscience, I hung up my phone, and kept his phone back. I bit into a piece of tomato and smirked at him when he took his seat.

Dinner was rushed, and I assessed him throughout that time. He never made eye contact, opting to look at his phone or above my head. Inside, I was boiling in frustration, yet there was a bud of new hope. His expression looked none sweeter, and it gave me pleasure to torture him with my glares. Only if our fathers weren't so greedy, there wouldn't be so much time wasted and so many lives ruined.

After the dinner, I checked into the hotel room and the oriental and musky scent of Giulia engulfed me as she hugged me. She pulled back from the embrace, pressing her lips to mine. It was as if I could breathe again.

The tension of the dinner left my body, and I took a seat at the dressing table, pushing the bottles of perfume and cosmetics aside. She took a seat on the chair, smiling up at me. "So how is the villain of our life?"

"Stupid," I snorted. Giulia chuckled, opening the buckle of my stilettos. "But of our use."

"Is he now?" She was curious, and I tortured her for a few moments more before revealing the new information.

"I checked his phone. He was texting to someone called Brandon Baby." I raised my eyebrows at that, emphasizing. In a whisper, I added, "And I think I met the very same Brandon the other day."

"You don't think..." Her mouth stayed opened, and I shut it with my hand. "But what about that guy Tyler? Weren't there rumors about him and Francis too?"

"I don't know. I'll have to confirm. If he is in the same situation as us, I'll tell the truth." I waited for a reaction from her. However, she took in a deep breath, and then nodded.

She stood up, reaching above my eye level. Her hand caressed the side of my face, and I averted my eyes away from the scar running down her wrist. She noticed it though, giving me a sad smile. "Believe in him. He will help us out."

"If you say so," I murmured against her skin, and kissed her palm.

Don't worry Giulia, I'll protect our relationship, even if it means forcing him to marry me.

"How will you find out though?" she whispered just before we went to bed.

"Tomorrow, 6 p.m... they are meeting at the local fair. It might be our only chance."

Her reply was a curt nod. "I'll be nearby in case you need me... with the papers."

Whole night a single debate clouded my mind. If he and Brandon were together, then did it mean his past relationship with Tyler was true as well? Was he gay? I couldn't tell, not just yet. The decision to tell him the truth--even if he was--wasn't an easy one.

But life worked in twisted ways and disappointments hit harder when our expectations were higher. One thing that I yearned with my whole heart to be true, was a facade. When your existence, your true self—treated like a joke and mocked... there was only so much I could handle. Even though one door slammed shut on my face, I believed a new one would open. I just took it as the fate's way of saying that something better was in store. Even if I had to bend a few rules to get there.


Many of you were curious about Bella's POV. This scene comes right before the 15-16 chapter. Hope you made the link, and have some more idea on how Bella's mind work. I feel like I owe her a happy ending! But I don't know anything yet. Please leave your comments if you feel for Bella on any level!

Also, it'll be of great help if you can leave your honest opinions on THE INTRODUCTION of BWB. The recent comments area looks rather empty. Just a teeny bit of help?

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Aanchal xx

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