28. Red Velvet Doughnut

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"Bea loved those gifts, you know?" I said to Brandon, walking back to our room from the new room Bea was in. "Her face showed it."

"I can't take all the credit. Most was from your mom, my mom and Bea's mom. These three have been meeting too much for any of us to like. Next thing we know we all will be on holiday trips together," he murmured, casually brushing the back of his hand with mine.

"Why? Don't you like that?" I asked, grazing my fingers with his in return.

"No, I hate that." He made a sour face, but then looked at my unbelieving expression and stammered to explain himself. "I-I don't want Liam and Seth to be there."


"You won't understand." He shook his head, but I narrowed my eyes at him, demanding explanation.

"You sure don't want to tell?" I smirked. When I didn't get a reply from him, I grabbed his arm to make him stop walking.

"What?" He widened his eyes and gulped when I lazily trailed my fingers up and down his arm. I stopped around his elbow, encircling my fingers around it. His other hand touched mine, but I pried it away, giving a little pout and fluttering my eyeslashes.

Brandon looked at me in a complete trance, and I held in my laughter to not to ruin the effect. His eyes darted around and once he confirmed we were alone, he whispered, "Fine, I don't want them to come, be-because I want it to be only us."

He at once pulled his hand away from my grasp and turned around. His ears turning bright red at his admission. I stood there, frozen. Unable to believe what Brandon had just said. He wanted it to he only us?

By the time I took it in, he was five steps ahead of me. I ran to catch up and grabbed him by the elbow, twisting his body towards me. His face was red, and it really looked like he was regretting answering my question. Well, there was only one way of making him not regret it, wasn't it?

I stood up on my toes and craned my neck towards him. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I meant to kiss his cheek. But Brandon got on fast and turned his head the moment before my lips would touch his cheek.

Our lips pressed together, and I widened my eyes, disengaging my arm from his neck to slap his arm. He caught it midair and held it up there. He leaned further down, making me go back on the balls of my feet. His lips not letting go of my lips. His fingers intertwined with mine, and I took a step back, overcame by his sudden attack.

One hand cupped my face and the other hand slid behind me to my back, closing the distance between the two of us in a swoosh. My body was a total jelly mess under him as I felt all the good things in the world.

"Tyler!" A voice shouted out from behind me, breaking me from my trance. Someone pulled me away from Brandon with a sudden jerk, and I stumbled back.

My feet imbalanced, and Brandon caught my hand, saving me from falling. I felt another hand on my back, politely pushing me away, if that was a thing.

The person stalked away from me and towards Brandon, his hand swished back and went forward with momentum, connecting with Brandon's jaw. Next movement was a blur as Brandon's single kick to Francis's knees knocked him down in one sweep.

Francis fell on his butt, and Brandon looked on with an amused expression. He rubbed his jaw a little, then tapped it, then a little harder, breaking out into a small laugh.

"Dude, I called you 'French Stick' but seriously do you call that a punch? I am disappointed in you, Tyler." Brandon grabbed Francis's right hand and pulled him up.

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