Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

"Hey, so what are your plans for the weekend? I just moved to New York too and since you are my only friend I was thinking we could hang out." Jordan said as we sat down on the table for lunch. It had been three days since I started my job, and to be honest, I couldn't ask for better. So far, I had a couple friends at the office, but Jordan was the best one. She was absolutley the perfect friend. As for the job, it's the best job ever!

"Sure. What did you have in mind?" I said, biting on my delicious grilled cheese sandwich.

"Well I was thinking we could just go to the movies on saturday."

"Ok. Sounds like a plan."

Me and Jordan talked all through lunch until we returned to our jobs.

As soon as I entered my office, I was pulled into a hard chest as they stroked my hair, holding me. I panicked before I heard the familiar voice speak.

"Emily please forgive me. I need you please." I pulled away and looked up into the dull blue eyes of Deklan standing in front of me, pushing him back immediatley.

"Deklan? What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped "I left Chicago because of you god damn it! I told you I didn't want to see your face anymore, get out!" I shouted at him. But he stood in his place, refusing to move.

"No. I want you back. Can't you see that I love you. Please Emily I need just one more chance, and you won't regret it. I'm not leaving until you give me a chance. Please." Anger boiled inside me as I acknowledged the situation.

"Listen to me Deklan, you cheated on me! Nobody can get over that in such little time. It will take me some time to forgive you so please, just leave." I begged him, giving up. Obviousley I wasn't going to forgive him but I didn't have the energy to fight with him after he ruined my mood. Silently, he nodded and left my office. As soon as he did, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in me.

My whole plan was to move to New York for a fresh start. A life without my cheating ex-boyfriend. And so far it was going great, but he just had to show up and ruin it.

I decided to walk home that night and think things through. Maybe moving to New York wasn't such a great idea. Maybe I should have moved state. Or planet. I took a shortcut through an abandonned alley and although it was scary, my legs were killing me. I shouldn't have decided on walking.

Suddenly, I started hearing noises at the very end of the street. It sounded like someone begging. I wanted to turn back and run but my curiosity got the best of me so I advanced towards the corner and peeked my head out to visualise the scene. A man was standing on his knees with his hands closed in front of him, begging at the three other men surrounding him with guns and masks. Before the man could say anything else, the guy in the center with the gun shot him right in the head. Instantly, I regretted accepting my curiosity. But what I did next, I regretted the most. I gasped aloud and in the very instant, the three hooded faces with the guns swiped their heads towards me, spotting me in the corner.

Without anything being said, I started running the opposite side. I heard footseps behind me, following me, but I ran. I ran for my life. I sprinted into the streets as fast as my body would allow me to. At this point, I was glad I ran track in high school. I didn't know where I was headed but I knew the guys were catching up to me soon. Although before they could, I took a sharp right and ran onto the main road ahead of me, and to my luck, there was a taxi stand right across the street. So I dashed up to it and sat in, and without the word, I was off in the distance. As I looked back I noticed the three masked figures hidden in an ally looking at my cab in rage and worry. I panted for air and my sprinting heart beat slowed down as the driver sped up, and it wasn't long before I arrived my apartment. I wanted to call the police, but I couldn't. If I did, I would just be under those peoples radar, and I wasn't going to risk that.

I locked all the doors securley before I tucked myself into bed and slept like a baby afraid of the dark. That was one of the scariest moments of my life and I hope I never see those people again.

Logan's POV

"I found her! She lives on Eighth Avenue, Manhattan. " My hacker, Adam shouted as he stood up and looked at me with victory.

"Well what are you waiting for, bring her to me!" I yelled at my three best friends and partners in crime - Adam, Jack and Austin - They might be my best friends, but they made a huge mistake killing Davy in middle of an abandonned street where anybody could see them; and someone did. Which was now going to cost them the life of a person.

I watched as they collected their guns from the table, put on their masks and left the layer to capture the mysterious girl who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Too bad.


There you goo!! I hope you liked it!! Comment your thoughts below! What do you think is going to happen??

Picture of Logan on the side -------->





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