Authors Note

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There is a chapter after this, feel free to skip this note.

Okay guys sorry but this is not an update. I have to put this up properly before people start gathering and chasing after me with guns,( because apparently pitchforks won't do enough damage)

I am not abandoning this book.

I am so sorry for that last part in the previous chapter, I really didn't mean to scare you guys it was really shitty on my part to leave it hanging like that.

( lol Leave it hanging: I'm such a perv)

Sorry back to point. I was just having one of those ugh! moments with this book and I was in a hurry to go out which is why I just left it like that and I didn't even realise it until later and I actually face palmed myself.

The thing is that in this part of the book you're supposed to feel absolutely frustrated to the point where you want to be like I can't read this anymore and along the terms of what is wrong with her?

I always planned it to be like this, the first part focusing on the other characters AKA Jake and Alec, and Clara's personality being there to support their personalities more than hers and then towards the end It becomes more about her character development.

And unfortunately she's frustrating as eff because she kinda for the time being has to be, otherwise a lot of things won't make sense.

All of you are like go for Jake and (some of you are still TEAM Alec , yes!) stuff but you have to understand at this point it's not an option.

At all. (See how I mentioned at this point though?)

I mean literally guys there is no way in hell no matter how they feel about each other, that they can be together, because Jake is leaving her because of how he feels about her and him staying and being with her literally renders his feeling moot towards her. He wouldn't go if.....

You guys can fill in the blanks.

That doesn't mean there isn't a solution to the problem though. Basically what what mean to say that all of you guys want this happy ending now when right now at chapter 55 there is no hope either way neither Alec nor Jake.

That doesn't mean that it's not possible because because this because this book isnt over. 

Clara on the other hand is stuck in this place where she can't differentiate between wether she actually loves Alec or wether she's way too scared to let him go because he's been this constant in her life that she doesn't have worth anyone except her grandmother.

At the same time like Rebecca said she's feeling helpless because she's just letting Jake go and doing nothing about it because she really can't.

And Alec he's going through his on stuff but more on that later.

I know a lot of you just want to skip to the happy ending but then it won't makes sense.

But this story is dragging way too much and it needs to end soon. Developing into this phase of hers means a lot more frustrating I can't read this book anymore just make them kiss and get it over with moments.

Sooo I've come up with an idea.

I'll be giving you guys two options but please remember that the ending for both options are the same and you guys may get what you want and you guys may not.

The first option.

1)I'm going to shorten it up but some characters introduced before and certain events aren't going to make sense. The main problem is that the time line will get screwed up pretty badly and certain things may make you go, wait how did that happen all of a sudden? Also you guys are going to get this fast forward version to the ending which will leave some of the character development out.

The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ