Chapter Twenty

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Hello!!! Updating again :D hopefully I can keep writing, I’m having an issue right now where I can’t start chapters and I get frustrated but once I finally start them it’s like power-writing. So just pray for me to get it started lol. But yeah umm nothing else to tell you except oh I guess it could be a while before I update again, like 2 weeks, cuz I’ve been majorly busy ugh. First track meet got thunder-stormed out -__- I wasn’t pleased, I was so pumped to run the mile. Eh whatever. Okay, thank you so much for reading and stuff, honestly, you guys make my day every time I log in, I just cry and smile and yeah. I’m an idiot. Oh, and the song at the right is just a fantastic song and it makes me cry, and it's kindddda relevant lol so I put it in. I'm just going to start putting songs in, relevant or not, to get you guys into my genre. okay, see ya!

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Twenty

♦            Charlie         ♦

Astrid was silent as we walked back to the hotel room. Now and then I would catch her looking at me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable, but as soon as I met her eyes, she turned away with an attempt at a casual look. It made me wonder exactly what Jay had said to her in the alley, which wasn’t helping the distracted state of my mind. My imagination was already painting vivid images about that conversation.

Josh had waved us away when we approached him and Joel; he was deep into an explanation of Jay’s actions and clearly didn’t want to be interrupted. Joel’s face was pale and he looked close to tears, but he nodded as Josh spoke to him with a serious face that I wasn’t accustomed to. I had found that he was much more parental with Joel than either Astrid or I, and so I was grateful that he had nominated himself to talk to the kid. I had enough other things to think about.

What wasn’t Astrid telling me?

What had she said to Jay?

What was Jay up to? How come he was suddenly Mr. Nice Guy? Or had he been for a while and I just hadn’t been around to realize it? It bothered me that I wasn’t even sure of the situation at hand; I was realizing that I didn’t like to be left out of the action. Maybe Jay had been telling the truth when he said that he had gotten me out of that place, and he had helped me when Finn had one of his fits – was he the reason I was even alive?

That thought refused to leave my mind, nagging at me until I wanted to pound the wall in frustration. Was I in debt to Jay Nicholson?

Astrid clearly wasn’t in any mood to discuss anything with me. She sank down on the bed with a moody look and pretended to ignore me, just giving me those searching looks. I collapsed on the couch, slouching and rubbing my eyes in exhaustion. I couldn’t remember the last time I had gotten a solid six hours of sleep; even three hours was pretty distant. The darkness of night stalked me into the early hours of the morning, driving me from the blankets until the sun began to creep up again.

I was antsy, worried about Josh and Joel and wondering if I should go out there and find them, but then they returned. Josh’s face was grim as he finished saying something to Joel, but the kid hadn’t lost his audacious attitude: He grinned at Josh and said, “Anyway, I told you Astrid had a thing for Jay. Didn’t I tell him, Charlie?”

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