Chapter One

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WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS!! Please do not read unless you have read "Delta: A Spy Novel" before reading this!! It's for your own good. Just go to my profile and click that book and you're good. Thanks :D

Well, this is it, guys. First chapter of the second book. I'm super, super, super excited so thank you so much for sticking with it and reading it! Thank you for waiting a month and a half for it! (I feel terrible) Thank you for taking the time to see if I posted! (if you did) Thank you all for being awesome, too. boring author's note this time, my life is boring right now anyway. I'll just jump right in.

Gracias! <3 vb123321 (bet you missed this good-bye, didn’t you?)

Chapter One

♥         Astrid       ♥

            The world seemed to have ended, and yet life proceeded at such a quick rate that I hardly knew where to turn. Perhaps it was the fever from Cloying’s purgatorium mali that was still battling inside of me ferociously. It made me slip in and out of consciousness so often that I lost my grip on reality in the days that immediately followed my escape from Cloying’s manor. Was Pierre still alive? Why did his name conjure no feeling within me when I thought of him?

            The ride in the helicopter to the headquarters of the DGSE – French intelligence agency – was, undoubtedly from the drug, a blur of pain and heat that was mixed with memories that sprang out of nowhere. By the time we reached headquarters, I was a complete mess, seeing people from my past everywhere in such ways that I ended up screaming at the French agents until they were forced to sedate me. I woke hours later in a white hospital bed – and discovered in the weeks to come that I would be doing that more than once.

            Any attempt by the French to get anything out of me was in vain. I was so far gone by that point that I merely lay in the hospital bed and stared at the white ceiling while my imagination painted colorful scenes on it. Isaac Reagan, the agent assigned to stay with me, was by my side constantly as wordless support. Any attempts at interrogation by the French were shot down by him. Although I was barely aware of him at the time, I realized later that he may have been the only one who kept me from fading away entirely.

            I spent a week at the DGSE before Alan Young managed to convince the French agency to allow me to be flown back to the States. The director of Delta informed me that I had “messed things up rather nicely” and then firmly closed the door of the hospital wing behind him after ordering the doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. They tried, but I didn’t expect them to understand that not only was an unusual fever-inducing drug working its way through my system, but I was also suffering from something else. Something that couldn’t be cured as easily as a fever.

            Charlie’s death never stopped haunting me.

            After another week in a hospital bed, this time at the Delta headquarters, I was discharged and thrown back into the routine of a spy agency. Hardly able to cope with that, I took to wandering the unrestricted corridors and rooms of the building, watching other training sessions with uninterested eyes. Those who walked past me cast me looks that varied from curious to sympathetic to pitying. I barely noticed them; though the fever from the drug was dispelled, I was still in a mental haze that couldn’t seem to be broken, no matter how many doctors looked at me.

Omega: the SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant