Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hola!!! I’m so happy I can be updating again. Thank you so much for all the support you’ve give me; it means LOADS to me, I can’t even say! Only 37 days til school’s out (including weekends!)!! So excited. Unfortunately my teachers have decided they’re behind and are piling on homework and tests and papers so screw them, it could be difficult to write. But track’s almost finished, and then I’ll have loads of time, so don’t despair! Say a prayer for me cuz my English teacher’s attempting to teach poetry and Romeo and Juliet together and she literally has no idea what she’s doing. This sucks. But yeah, so enjoy this chapter (sorry for the cliffhanger last week!) and please keep commenting and voting, tell me what you think!

Gracias!! <3 vb123321

Chapter Twenty-Three

♥         Astrid       ♥

Everything happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to react, even though I was supposed to be a professionally-trained spy. As the doors burst open, Jay grabbed my arm and shoved me behind him, swearing at the top of his voice. His gun was already in his hand, brandished at the three men that entered the room as he said something in Portuguese, but Charlie had moved more quickly.

His hand whipped up, firing a few rounds, and one of the men fell to the ground. But then Charlie was falling too, a strangled cry escaping his mouth as he toppled over face-first, clutching at his leg. Dimly I heard myself screaming as Jay took my shoulders and forced me to the ground, pressing me down as he fired his own gun at the men. Part of me registered Josh doing the same to Joel, one of the men falling to the ground as Josh’s bullet hit him, but my eyes were fixed on Charlie.

One of Jay’s bullets slammed into the last G7 agent, and suddenly all the firing ceased. As the pressure on my back decreased, I scrambled away from Jay, dashing towards Charlie and kneeling at his side, frantically saying his name. He raised his head, panting and staring at me with wide grey eyes.

“Get out of here! There are more of them, get out!”

“Are you okay?”

I tried to find where the bullet had entered. He pushed himself into a sitting position, holding one leg out at an awkward angle and wincing. Blood was splashed over his upper left thigh, sticky on his hands as he tried to stem its flow. I looked up at Josh desperately as he came to my side, asking if Charlie was okay.

“Do we have any bandages?”

“I’ll be fine,” Charlie growled, his voice taut. “Josh, get her out of here. And the kid. I’ll follow you guys.”

“We’re not leaving!” I gripped the bottom of my sweatshirt, prepared to take it off and use it as a bandage, but Charlie leaned forward and grasped my hands, his eyes intense as they met mine.

“Listen to me.”

“He’s right.” Jay had appeared behind me, putting his hands on my forearms and gently lifting me to my feet. “You all need to get out of here.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but Charlie gave me such a fierce look that I found I didn’t have any words. With a grimace, he pushed hard with his fists against the ground and somehow got to his feet, swaying alarmingly. Josh caught his arm to support him, but Charlie shrugged him off with a defiant look, glaring at me.

Omega: the SequelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora