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Luke duke. (Main character.) Brownish-blackish hair, with deep brown eyes. Loves his family and also has a big heart but has a sexual bad boy streak to him.

Bo duke. (main character.) Dirty blonfe hair, slim but muscular. Ourageous personality and always protects his family with his big heart.

Daisy duke. (Main character.) Beautiful blonde hair, nicely tanned fkawless skin with a perfect model body. Super smart but when her cousins get in trouble she puts on that dumb blonde routine. She also doesnt take shit from no one.

uncle Jessie duke. (semi-main character.) Kooky old man who is always stirring uo troubke with his ikkeagle moonshine exportation. Loves his family more than life.

Maggie miller. (main character.) The girl who lived on the Miller farm next to the dukes for years until it got sold off to boss hog. Now she is living with the duke family. Sweet girl... Until you do or say something to offend her. Then your screwed.

Pauline. (Not an important character shows up like three times.) Just a family friend of the dukes, helps out in troubling times.

Cooter. (Mechanic.) Good friend to the dukes and maggie. Hes just an all in all good guy.

Enus. (deputy.) Major crush on daisy, not really important.

Sheiv. (Crazy town loon, friends with the duke boys.) Sheiv is what you call the town creep but hes still a good guy. That wears no pants.

Katie. (bo' crush, she goes to college so she wont show up much.) Not much to say except that her and luke had a thing as kids. Bo always liked her.

Bosco. (sheriff,bad guy.) Boss hogs henchman.

Boss hog. (main villan.) Trys to take the duke farm so he can mine it for coal.

Billy prickette. (race car driver, one of maggies childhood friends) has always had a thing for mahgie but she was the one who always said no to him.

Dill. (works for billy^.) A real piece of crap guy. Sleezy, dickish, gross, repellant, and has no respect for girls. Hes cute and young probably about bo' age.

Read the story to follow these characters on their journey.

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