how many dukes?

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Maggies pov.

"I cant beleive bosco did that to your car. What an asshole." I complained to bo and luke as they shot flaming arrows at gas cans.

"Its ok mags i trust cooter. And i agree you dont do that to a mans car." Bo said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder earning a glare from luke.

" hey uncle jessie." I greeted as he walked over.

"Alright lets knock off the crap assn over there!" Jessie exclaimed twoards the boys.

Luke apoke up. "Whats going on uncle jessie?"
Jessie started to make jokes.

"Oh heres another one. How many dukes does it take to screw up a moonshine run?" I giggled at the joke.

All of a sudden cop sirens rang through the air. "what does that fat sack of shit want now?" Uncle Jessie questioned and we all walked up to the house.

Time skip.

"Oh thats bullshit you planted that!" Jessie exclaimed pointing to the still. Well it was definitely planted there, jessies still is hidded behind the shower wall.

Bosco read aloud and said that they are taking the farm. Somethings up first they take my family farm now the duke farm.

"look we could do this the easy way or theres that other way?" Bosco asked.

Of course jessie just had to jump in with the snarky comments. He grabbed the pitchfork in his hand "lets try that other way first!" Jessie suggested.

Boss hog came in and told off the duke family. They all started to walk away but i spoke up.

"So i have a question boss. First my family's farm which i may add is not to far from here and then the duke farm. What does a man with no intrest in thus county want with all that land? Hmm." I spoke because i saw right through hus petty scam.

"I suggest you watch your mouth pretty mouth miss miller. Some day i will be getting you in loads of trouble!" Boss hog threatened as he got all up in my face.

Luke came over and pulled me behind him. "You just messed with the wrong family." Anger clear in his voice.

After we got kicked off of the land we went to Paulines. " thanks for taking us in pauline." Daisy thanked taking a sip of her coffee.

"No problem kids but um two of you will have to share a room. Its uo to you who decides." Daisy looked around like she didnt want to offer.

"Me and maggie could share a room." Bo offered. No one said anything because me and bo were just friends.

"Well im fine with that but im beat. Im going to bed ill see yall in the morning." I said brushing a hand across bo' shoulder.

dukes of hazzard.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant