Chapter 20

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Brooklyn POV

Christmas day. My favorite day of the whole freaking year. And not only is it Christmas, but tomorrow morning, we leave for the cabin.

The situation with London last week, I thought was going to put a damper in my relationship. But, luckily Cheree doesn't hold grudges. In fact, I took her out to a very nice, dazzling expensive restaurant downtown last night. Her eyes bulged when she saw the prices of just the appetizers. I chuckle just thinking about it.

"Brooklyn, your girlfriend is here!" My mother shouted from outside my bedroom door. I hurried and ran out my door and scurried down the stairs. I made my way into the family room where the tree was beautifully lit, and the Christmas decorations were in full view. My family already did our gifts early this morning. I ended up getting a brand new Dodge Challenger. All black. Including the rims. I died and came back to life. I could just imagine the sex with Cheree in the...

"Hey babe" I felt little arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Merry Christmas." I smiled adoringly and turned around in her arms. I wrapped my arms around shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Merry Christmas, baby." I reluctantly pulled away from her embrace. I grabbed her hand and led her to the love seat where I sat down and pulled her down onto my lap. She giggled and pecked my lips.

"You're so cute it makes me want to vomit breakfast" my sister came into the room with a playful scowl on her face. She sat down on the seat next to me and kicked her legs up onto the coffee table. My mom and dad came in and took a seat on the couch across from us. My dad looked at Cheree then to me, a grin forming on his face, "Nice to see you finally tied down" he chuckled, causing the rest of my family and Cheree to as well. I scowled at him and kissed Cheree's cheek.

"So Cheree, what'd you get for Christmas?" My mother asked cheerfully. My mother loves Cheree. She even said at one point she wished she could trade Jessi my sister for Cheree. I wouldn't mind that.

"Well, my aunt got me a new laptop and a PS4 and some games to go with. She also got me a new journal. Although, nothing beats that beast of a car you bought Brooky" she giggled, and so did everyone else. "I made my aunt Jessi a huge collage book of our family photos. It was, a tear jerker. But, I think she liked it". She smiled sadly, as well as my mother. "So, this cabin trip.... What exactly are you all doing there?" My father asked, glaring at me slightly. I sighed, and gently nudged Cheree to move beside me, "Dad, there will be no drinking or parties. It's Cheree's best friend, Layne's fathers Cabin up north, just on the border of South Dakota. It honestly is just Layne, Georgi, Cheree and I. It's like a couples getaway." My dad stared at me for a moment.

He's the head of the school board, therefore, my actions reflect on him. He hates when I get in trouble. My sister, was terrible in school and almost got my dad kicked off ass the head. She basically kidnapped a teacher and duct taped him to a chair for calling him stupid. He was found in the janitors closet hours later.

"Cheree, make sure she stays out if trouble." My dad said teasingly, pointing at me. She giggled and took my hand in hers. My mother looked down at our joined hands and smiled.

The rest of the night went by smoothly. Dinner was amazing, and having Cheree there made it even better. Jessi even came for dinner and it was just, it felt right. It's like we were a big family. Jessi and my mother became instant friends. Of dinner couldn't go without playful banter between my dad and I and my sister taking stabs at me. Bitch...

As the night came to an end, Jessi pulled me aside before she left.

"Brooklyn, she loves much. Please don't hurt her. It's been so long since I've seen her happy. But, I've gotta go see my other nice." She smiled sadly and gave me a hug. "Every Christmas I go to the hospital to visit Hailey...she may be in a coma...but, sometimes I feel she can still hear me. Cheree knows, we just don't talk about it." She smiled sadly once again and turned to walk out the door. I sighed... I hope one day Hailey wakes up. I just want the love of my to feel complete again.

I ran upstairs where I knew Cheree was already probably passed out on my bed. She was nearly falling asleep at the dining room table while everyone was conversing. I opened the door and boy was I right. I walked quietly into my room and shut the door. I walked towards the bed and smiled at my love. She was curled up in a ball, laying on her side, one arm under the pillow and her other placed delicately on top of it. I went over to my dresser and took off clothes and throwing on a pair of undies and a tank top. I usually sleep naked, but, when Cheree sleeps over, I try not to make her feel uncomfortable.

I tiptoed over to my bed, lifting the covers and gently climbing into bed next to her. I made it so my body molded perfectly behind hers and wrapped my arm protectively around her waist. I softly kissed her exposed neck and drifted off into bliss.

Cheree POV

I woke up frozen in place. I couldn't move due to the body practically sprawled out on top of me.

I was laid on my back, with my legs spread out, Brooklyn's hair was everywhere in my face. Her head was on my chest and somehow her hand was caressing my boob. I tried glancing over at her alarm clock on her desk, but due to the mound of hair across my face I couldn't see. I tried to untangle myself from her emrace, almost free I felt her arm tighenting around my waist. "No." She mumbled, almost incoherently. I giggled, "baby, I gotta pee, and check the time." She groaned making me giggle again, "Ugh fine, you're released." She rolled over on to her other side and began snoring softly already. That girl... I silently chuckled.

I saw the time and it was 6:45am. Layne was going to be here at 8 to pick us up. I might as well get ready real quick then awake sleeping beauty.

After I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth. That's one thing I've always loved about myself. My teeth. Perfectly straight, perfectly white. And, I've never had braces in my life.
My thoughts drifted off to how I told Brooklyn I wanted her to make love to me at the cabin. I'm really nervous and scared. But I trust her. I couldn't see myself with anyone but her.

I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out. I quickly put on my black and red plaid flannels. I decided to just put on a white t and throw on my red Nebraska hoodie. It's a 3 hour drive and its cold. I'm dressing lazy.

I made my way back into Brooklyn's room. Brooklyn was still passed out. That girl can sleep. I swear, a tornado could be blowing her house away and she would still wouldn't wake up. An evil smirk graced its way onto my face.

I walked up to her bed and then climbed on it. I stood up on her bed, each leg on either side of her. I started jumping up and down.

"WAKE UP!!!!!!!" I yelled over and over again. Brooklyn jolted upright a paniced look plastered on her face. I laughed loudly and fell down next to her. Still giggling I looked over at her, she was glaring daggers into my soul. "If I didn't love you, I would harm you". I giggled even more and climbed on top of her, straddling her waist. By instict her hands found their way to my hips, holding me in place. I smiled down looking lovingly into her beautiful green eyes. Her face softened into a look of love. I leaned down and pressed my lips lightly against hers. One of her hands left my hips and made its way to the back of my neck. I'm never on top, this is new.

I pulled away from her, and slowly got up. "You know, that made up for you nearly giving me a heart attack" I grinned evily at her, "You love me." I stated matter of factly, walking out of her room leaving her speechless.

Apparently I grew a set of balls, I don't know where this confidence and playful side is coming from. All I know, is this week at the Cabin is going to be interesting.

Next chapter, the cabin. Wonder if Brooklyn and Cheree will finally get it on, or not.

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