Chapter 6: O No I Am Stuck

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The week has passed and Gwen is thankful it's Saturday. As much happiness as the orgasms from the previous Sunday gave her, she couldn't help but wonder if she would see Dorian again. Every time she came and went out the front door her eyes would drift to his white painted door across the hall, wondering if he was inside. It didn't help that she also was curious if anyone was with him, like Ms. Brunette-Fake-Tits. When Annalise pointed out his apartment on Monday she realized that was the place the brunette she met in the elevator went into, so all the bliss from her previous sexual encounter deflated like a ruined soufflé.

The intense workload she has at school just adds to that stress. Gwen is currently making two hundred pieces of individually wrapped caramels, chocolates and homemade raspberry marshmallows for a class project due on Monday. Everything is sticky and sweet and most of it has been smeared on her face.

"Well, I'm heading out. Having dinner with Ethan. Don't wait up. In other words I'm spending the night. Ooo! What is this?" Annalise's eyes widen as she notices three metal bowls full of the wrapped candy.

"It's my class project. We just learned how to make candy, so I have to present three different types of candy." Gwen uses the inside of her forearm to wipe away some powdered sugar, which just causes chocolate to smear across her cheek.

Annalise made a gurgling sound as if she was about to drool on herself then picked up a marshmallow biting into it and moaning her satisfaction. Her eyes rolled up into her head as the fluffy goodness filled her mouth.

"Hey! That's for my class." Gwen squinted her eyes at Annalise, now lost in sugar heaven.

It took Annalise a few moments but the marshmallow quickly melted in her mouth, "You can't just have this much awesome in one place Gwen and expect your roommate not to pilfer from you."

"Speaking of which, I was thinking of going apartment shopping tomorrow, you up for it." Gwen turned her back to Annalise and went to the sink to wash her hands. Assessing her Wonder Woman fifties style apron, she decided it would be better to dry her hands with a paper towel instead of the sugar coated fabric.

"Already? But you just got here. Besides, I am sort of falling in love with your desserts." Annalise shoves the rest of the marshmallow in her mouth releasing an almost orgasmic groan.

Gwen walked around the counter and started to massage her own breasts while leering at Annalise, "You love my desserts huh? How about my frosted mounds? Or my honey pot? It's all waiting for you Annalise!" She reached out her arms to Annalise. Her friend quickly shuffled away, running wide eyed to the front door while grabbing her purse.

"That orgasm Dorian gave you on Sunday has gone straight to your head. Your tits are nice Gwen, but I don't love them. As for your honeypot, well, I'm more concerned about my own than yours. All I'm saying is you can stay here as long as you like especially if you keep making desserts."

The door hastily shut behind Annalise and Gwen could hear her heels clicking down the hall. She laughed, shaking her head. Annalise was quite open minded, but when it came to women hitting on her she was like a deer caught in headlights. Not that Gwen batted for the same team, but she did enjoy teasing Annalise on occasion.

Just as Gwen was about to get back to work there was a knock at the door. She rolled her eyes assuming her roommate forgot her keys again, as had already happened twice in the past week. She walked over to the door and decided to play a trick. Since she was in a ratty pair of cut off shorts and an old tee shirt, her arms and legs were bare. Gwen stood behind the door after opening it and swung her bare arm and leg around, "You just couldn't stay away from my honeypot could you. Or was it my sweet mounds..." Her words tapered off as she slid around the door to see Dorian standing on the other side.

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